A library that holds the core functional logic of a dapp on the Elrond Network
See Dapp template for live demo or checkout usage in the Github repo
The library can be installed via npm or yarn.
npm install @elrondnetwork/dapp-core
yarn add @elrondnetwork/dapp-core
If you need only the dapp-core basic logic, without the additional UI, consider using the --no-optional
This will not install the packages needed for the optional UI components.
npm install @elrondnetwork/dapp-core --no-optional
yarn add @elrondnetwork/dapp-core --no-optional
dapp-core aims to abstract and simplify the process of interacting with users' wallets and with the Elrond Network, allowing developers to easily get started with a new application or integrate dapp-core into an existing application.
This library covers two main areas: User Identity and Transactions. The API for interacting with library's logic is exposed via hooks and methods that can be called for logging in the user, getting the status of the user or sending transactions.
However, to simplify usage even further, the library also comes with a default UI that already uses these hooks and methods under the hood. These UI elements can be easily customized with custom css classes.
The default UI is exposed via the DappUI
import { DappUI } from "@elrondnetwork/dapp-core";
There are a couple of requirements that need to be met for the application to work properly.
If you experience bugs, please make sure that you read these, before opening an issue
This library was built for applications that use React, it might not be suitable for usage with other libraries or frameworks.
You need to wrap your application with the DappProvider component, which is exported by the library, as we need to create a global Context to be able to manipulate the data.
- import the Provider:
import { DappProvider } from "@elrondnetwork/dapp-core";
- Wrap your application with this Provider.
is a required key that is needed to configure the app's endpoints for a specific environment. Accepted values are testnet
, devnet
and mainnet
DappProvider also accepts an optional customNetworkConfig
object with a couple of keys.
This allows using different APIs and different connection providers to configure your network configuration.
All keys are optional
id?: string;
name?: string;
egldLabel?: string;
egldDenomination?: string;
decimals?: string;
gasPerDataByte?: string;
walletConnectDeepLink?: string; - a string that will create a deeplink for an application that is used on a mobile phone, instead of generating the login QR code.
walletConnectBridgeAddresses?: string; - a string that is used to establish the connection to walletConnect library;
walletAddress?: string;
apiAddress?: string;
explorerAddress?: string;
apiTimeout?: 4000;
- completedTransactionsDelay (optional); This is an extra prop is provider for smart contract calls.
It will delay the transaction from entering the "completed" state, useful for refetching info after the smart contract call executes.
UI Wrappers
The library exposes a couple of Components that are connected to the redux store and are used to display various elements when something happens inside the app:
will display new transactions in nice toasts at the bottom of the screen. This component is fully customizable.
import {DappUI} from "@elrondnetwork/dapp-core";
toastId?: string,
title: string,
shouldRenderDefaultCss?: boolean,
className?: string
will show a modal when a new transaction is submitted, prompting the user to verify and sign it.
Important! This is required to make transactions work, except when you use hooks to sign the transactions manually (more on this below).
import {DappUI} from "@elrondnetwork/dapp-core";
<DappUI.SignTransactionsModals />
Will show a modal to the user with various warnings and errors.
import {DappUI} from "@elrondnetwork/dapp-core";
<DappUI.NotificationModal />
If you want to custom notifications, you can use the useGetNotification
hook to get the notifications (like insufficient funds, errors etc).
UI css import
To properly apply the default styles to Dapp Core Components, you need to import the bundled css into your App's entry point.
import ...
import '@elrondnetwork/dapp-core/build/index.css';
export default function App() {
Dapp-core makes logging in and persisting user's session easy and hassle-free.
A handy component is AuthenticatedRoutesWrapper, which can be used to protect certain routes and redirect the user to login page if the user is not authenticated.
Import from dapp-core:
import { AuthenticatedRoutesWrapper} from "@elrondnetwork/dapp-core";
Use with routes:
routes should be an array with objects with a signature similar to this:
path: "/dashboard",
title: "Dashboard",
component: Dashboard,
authenticatedRoute: true,
The important parts that makes this component work are the flag authenticatedRoute: true and the key path, which means that this route should be accessible only to authenticated users.
Login UI
There are a couple of very handy React components that can be used to login the user and protect certain routes if the user is not logged in.
Under the DappUI
object mentioned above, you can find 4 buttons (one for each provider) which abstract away all the logic of loggin in the user and render the default UI. These buttons can be easily customized with a custom css class.
The exported buttons are:
- DappUI.ExtensionLoginButton
- DappUI.WalletConnectLoginButton
- DappUI.LedgerLoginButton
- DappUI.WebWalletLoginButton
loginButtonText="Extension login"
They can also be used with children
loginButtonText="Extension login"
<p>Login text</p>
and LedgerLoginButton
will trigger a modal with a QR code and the ledger login UI, respectively.
These are automatically triggered by the buttons.
If, however, you want access to these containers without the buttons, you can easily import and use them.
loginButtonText="Login with Maiar"
title = 'Maiar Login',
logoutRoute = '/unlock',
className = 'wallect-connect-login-modal',
lead = 'Scan the QR code using Maiar',
callbackRoute: string;
className?: string;
shouldRenderDefaultCss?: boolean;
wrapContentInsideModal?: boolean;
redirectAfterLogin?: boolean;
token?: string;
onClose?: () => void;
All login buttons and hooks accept a prop called redirectAfterLogin
which specifies of the user should be redirected automatically after login.
The default value for this boolean is false, since most apps listen for the "isLoggedIn" boolean and redirect programmatically.
Also, for a quicker setup, the DappUI
object exports an DappUI.UnlockPage
component, which contains all 4 buttons.
Another handly component is DappUI.AuthenticatedRoutesWrapper, which can be used to protect certain routes and redirect the user to login page if the user is not authenticated.
Import from dapp-core:
import { AuthenticatedRoutesWrapper} from "@elrondnetwork/dapp-core";
Use with routes:
routes should be an array with objects with a signature similar to this:
path: "/dashboard",
title: "Dashboard",
component: Dashboard,
authenticatedRoute: true,
The important parts that makes this component work are the flag authenticatedRoute: true and the key path, which means that this route should be accessible only to authenticated users.
Login hooks
This area covers the login hooks, which expose a trigger function and the login data, ready to be rendered.
These hooks are exposed by the loginServices
object, which can be imported from dapp-core:
import {loginServices} from @elrondnetwork/dapp-core
There are 4 available hooks:
- useExtensionLogin
- useWalletConnectLogin
- useLedgerLogin
- useWebWalletLogin
All hooks have the same response signature:
return type is as follows:
const [triggerFunction, genericLoginReturnType, customLoginReturnType] = useLoginHook({
- initiateLogin is a function that needs to be called for the login flow to be initiated;
- genericLoginReturnType is an object that is exactly the same for all hooks:
error: string,
loginFailed: boolean,
isLoading: boolean,
isLoggedIn: boolean
customLoginReturnType is an object that is custom for each hook and returns specific data for that login:
null for useExtensionLogin;
null for useWebWalletConnect;
{ uriDeepLink: string, qrCodeSvg: svgElement }
for useWalletConnectLogin;
accounts: string[];
showAddressList: boolean;
startIndex: number;
selectedAddress: SelectedAddress | null;
onGoToPrevPage: () => void;
onGoToNextPage: () => void;
onSelectAddress: (address: SelectedAddress | null) => void;
onConfirmSelectedAddress: () => void;
for useLedgerLogin;
Reading User State
Once logged in, the user's session is persisted and can be read and deleted via a couple of handy functions.
For logging out, the library exposes a simple function called logout, which can be called to clear the user data.
the function accepts 2 arguments:
callbackUrl: string (optional)
the url to redirect the user to after logging him outonRedirect: (callbackUrl: string) => void (optional)
a function that will be called instead of redirecting the user. This allows you to control how the redirect is done, for example, with react-router-dom, instead of window.location.href assignment. Important this function will not be called for web wallet logout
There are 2 ways of reading the user current state: hooks (to be used inside components and for reacting to changes in the data) and simple functions (for reading data outside of React components or inside handlers).
- hooks:
useGetLoginInfo, useGetAccountInfo, useGetNetworkConfig
; - functions:
getAccount, getAccountBalance, getAccountShard, getAddress, getIsLoggedIn;
The dapp-core library exposes a straight-forward way of sending transactions and tracking their status, with a couple of handy UI components;
Sending Transactions
The API for sending transactions is a function called sendTransactions:
import { sendTransactions } from "@elrondnetwork/dapp-core";
It can be used to send a transaction with minimum information:
const { sessionId, error } = await sendTransactions({
transactions: [
value: '1000000000000000000',
data: 'ping',
receiver: contractAddress
callbackRoute?: string // (optional, defaults to window.location.pathname) the route to be redirected to after signing. Will not redirect if the user is already on the specified route;
transactionsDisplayInfo: TransactionsDisplayInfoType // (optional, default to null) custom message for toasts texts;
minGasLimit?: number (optional, defaults to 50_000);
sessionInformation?: any (optional, defaults to null) extra sessionInformation that will be passed back to you via getSignedTransactions hook;
signWithoutSending?: boolean // (optional, defaults to false), the transaction will be signed without being sent to the blockchain;
redirectAfterSigning?: boolean // (optional, defaults to true), whether to redirect to the provided callbackRoute;
It returns a Promise that will be fulfilled with {error?: string; sessionId: string | null;}
is the transaction's batch id which can be used to track a transaction's status and react to it.
Important! For the transaction to be signed, you will have to use either SignTransactionsModals
defined above, in the Prerequisites
or the useSignTransactions
hook defined below. If you don't use one of these, the transactions won't be signed
Transaction Signing Flow
Once a transaction has been submitted, you have to use either the SignTransactionsModals
or the useSignTransactions
for the user to be prompted in his provider (Extension, Maiar etc) to sign the transaction.
If you don't want to use the default modals that appear for the user when the signing process happens,
you have to use the useSignTransactions
hook to sign those transactions.
const {
} = useSignTransactions();
This hook will let you know if there are any transactions and you can programmatically abort the signing process.
We suggest displaying a message on the screen that confirms the transaction that needs to be signed.
You can also get the provider via
const { providerType } = useGetAccountProvider();
and use that to display an appropriate message to the user.
For ledger, signing a transaction is simple if you're using the SignTransactionsModal
It is fully customizable and will take care of walking the user through the signing flow.
If, however, you want to implement a different experience, you will have to use the useSignTransactionsWithLedger
it accepts the following props:
onCancel: () => void;
and returns an object with the following keys:
onSignTransaction: () => void;
onNext: () => void;
onPrev: () => void;
waitingForDevice: boolean;
onAbort: (e: React.MouseEvent) => void;
isLastTransaction: boolean;
currentStep: number;
signedTransactions?: Record<string, Transaction>;
currentTransaction: {
transaction: Transaction;
transactionTokenInfo: {
tokenId: string;
amount: string;
receiver: string;
type?: string;
nonce?: string;
multiTxData?: string;
isTokenTransaction: boolean;
tokenDenomination: number;
dataField: string;
Tracking a transaction
The library exposes a hook called useTrackTransactionStatus under the object transactionServices
import {transactionServices} from @elrondnetwork/dapp-core;
const transactionStatus = transactionServices.useTrackTransactionStatus({
transactionId: sessionId,
transactionStatus has the following information about the transaction:
It's safe to pass in null
as a sessionId, so if the transaction wasn't yet sent, the hook will just return an empty object.
Tracking transactions' statuses
Dapp-core also exposes a number of handy hooks for tracking all, pending, failed, successful, completed timed out transactions.
to get a list of all pending transactions.useGetSuccessfulTransactions
to get a list of all successful transactions.useGetFailedTransactions
to get a list of all pending transactions.useGetCompletedTransactions
to get a list of smart contract call transactions that guarantee that the call was finished;
An especially useful hook called useGetActiveTransactionsStatus
will keep you updated with the status
of all transactions at a certain point in time.
it's return signature is
hasActiveTransactions: boolean - the user has at least 1 active transactions in one of the states described below;
pending: boolean - at least one transaction is pending;
timedOut: boolean = there are no pending transactions and at least one has timed out;
fail: boolean - there are no pending and no timedOut transactions and at least one has failed;
success: boolean - there are no pending, failed or timedOut transactions;
completed: boolean - all transactions are successful and all smart contract calls have been processed successfully;
Transaction Toasts UI
dapp-core also exposes a toast component for tracking transactions that uses the above mentioned hooks and displays toasts with transactions statuses.
The toasts list is exposed via DappUI.TransactionsToastList component and can be used just by rendering it inside the application.
<DappUI.TransactionsToastList />
Important: This has to be inside the <DappProvider/>
Removing transactions manually
Dapp-core takes care to change transactions' statuses and removes them when needed, but if you need to do this manually, you can use the exposed functions for this:
See the open issues for a list of proposed features (and known issues).
Contributions are what make the open source community such an amazing place to be learn, inspire, and create. Any contributions you make are greatly appreciated.
One can contribute by creating pull requests, or by opening issues for discovered bugs or desired features.
- Fork the Project
- Create your Feature Branch (
git checkout -b feature/AmazingFeature
) - Commit your Changes (
git commit -m 'Add some AmazingFeature'
) - Push to the Branch (
git push origin feature/AmazingFeature
) - Open a Pull Request
The Elrond Team.