SSOcred is a handy cli tool that will grab temporary AWS CLI login credentials from AWS SSO and put them in ~/.aws/credentials
Why though? Tools like terraform are currently unable to handle AWS auth via SSO and rely the access key and secret being in the credentials file.
To install:
npm install -g aws-sso-credentials-getter
or yarn global add aws-sso-credentials-getter
To use:
ssocred {profile}
To set credentials to a custom profilename:
ssocred {profile} -c {customProfile}
For instance when you want a default profile:
ssocred {profile} -c default
You can also set a custom profilename from any current profile that is not expired by running:
ssocred {existingProfile} -c {customProfile}
To also login to ECR:
ssocred {profile} -e
Add you can also login to a different ECR region:
ssocred {profile} -e [region]