⚠️ IMPORTANT: This project is still under active development. Currently, you can only run the protocol locally - connecting to public RPCs is not yet supported. Please check back later for updates.
Prime Network is a peer-to-peer compute and intelligence network that enables decentralized AI development at scale. This repository contains the core infrastructure for contributing compute resources to the network, including workers, validators, and the coordination layer.
- System Architecture
- Getting Started
- Installation
- Usage
- Development
- Community
- Contributing
- Security
- License
The Prime Protocol follows a modular architecture designed for decentralized AI compute:
- Smart Contracts: Ethereum-based contracts manage the protocol's economic layer
- Discovery Service: Enables secure peer discovery and metadata sharing
- Orchestrator: Coordinates compute jobs across worker nodes
- Validator Network: Ensures quality through random challenges
- Worker Nodes: Execute AI workloads in secure containers
Before running Prime Protocol, ensure you have the following requirements:
- Linux or macOS operating system
- CUDA-capable GPU(s) for mining operations
- Docker Desktop - Container runtime
- Git - Version control
- Rust - Programming language and toolchain
- Redis - In-memory data store
- Foundry - Smart contract development toolkit
- tmuxinator - Terminal session manager
git clone https://github.com/PrimeIntellect-ai/protocol.git
cd protocol
git submodule update --init --recursive
# Install Foundry
curl -L https://foundry.paradigm.xyz | bash
# Reload .bashrc (or .bash_profile, depends on the system)
source ~/.bashrc
# Install Rust
curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf https://sh.rustup.rs | sh
# Install cargo-watch
cargo install cargo-watch
# Install Redis (MacOS)
brew install redis
# Install Redis (Ubuntu)
# sudo apt-get install redis-server
# Install Ruby (MacOS)
brew install ruby
# Install Ruby (Ubuntu)
# sudo apt-get install redis-server
# Install tmuxinator (do not use brew)
gem install tmuxinator
# Install Tmux (MacOS)
brew install tmux
# Install Tmux (Ubuntu)
#sudo apt install tmux
#sudo apt-get install libssl-dev
- Enable "Allow the default Docker socket to be used" in Docker Desktop settings (MacOS)
- On Ubuntu, add your user to the docker group:
sudo usermod -aG docker $USER
- Create
files in base folder and discovery folder
To start all core services:
make up
This will launch:
- Local blockchain node
- Discovery service
- Validator node
- Orchestrator service
- Redis instance
- Supporting infrastructure
Once the core services are running, you can start a worker node in a new terminal:
make watch-worker
The worker will automatically connect to the discovery service and begin processing tasks. It takes a couple of seconds until the worker is whitelisted. This is done using a simple loop on the second page of tmux.
You can find more details on the APIs in the orchestrator and discovery service directory.
First, you need to create a local worker (after you have all other services running using e.g. make up
make watch-worker
check that the worker as been registered on the orchestrator:
curl -X GET http://localhost:8090/nodes -H "Authorization: Bearer admin"
>>> {"nodes":[{"address":"0x66295e2b4a78d1cb57db16ac0260024900a5ba9b","ip_address":"","port":8091,"status":"Healthy","task_id":null,"task_state":null}],"success":true}
then lets create a task
curl -X POST http://localhost:8090/tasks -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Authorization: Bearer admin" -d '{"name":"sample","image":"ubuntu:latest"}'
>>> {"success":true,"task":"updated_task"}%
and check that the task is created
curl -X GET http://localhost:8090/nodes -H "Authorization: Bearer admin"
>>> {"nodes":[{"address":"0x66295e2b4a78d1cb57db16ac0260024900a5ba9b","ip_address":"","port":8091,"status":"Healthy","task_id":"29edd356-5c48-4ba6-ab96-73d002daddff","task_state":"RUNNING"}],"success":true}%
you can also check docker ps to see that the docker is running locally
docker ps
e860c44a9989 ubuntu:latest "sleep infinity" 3 minutes ago Up 3 minutes prime-task-29edd356-5c48-4ba6-ab96-73d002daddff
ef02d23b5c74 redis:alpine "docker-entrypoint.s…" 27 minutes ago Up 27 minutes>6379/tcp, [::]:6380->6379/tcp prime-worker-validator-redis-1
7761ee7b6dcf ghcr.io/foundry-rs/foundry:latest "anvil --host 0.0.0.…" 27 minutes ago Up 27 minutes>8545/tcp, :::8545->8545/tcp prime-worker-validator-anvil-1
To gracefully shutdown all services:
make down
Start the local development environment:
make up
Set up your remote GPU worker:
- Provision a GPU instance and ensure Docker is installed
- Configure environment variables and start the remote worker:
SSH_CONNECTION="ssh your-ssh-conn string"
make remote-worker
We welcome contributions! Please see our Contributing Guidelines.
See SECURITY.md for security policies and reporting vulnerabilities.