Zsebbarát költöztetés is a html5 webpage for a small hungatian moving and cargo taxi company. Built using a template (https://startbootstrap.com/theme/landing-page/), using HTML 5, CSS3, Bootstap 4.6. And of course, some font-awesome.
Built this webpage for a friend of mine, wanted to keep things simple, and at the same time practice my html, css and most important, my bootstap skills. Used some of bootstrap components: -hamburger menus -modals -tables
HTML 5 CSS 3 Bootstrap 4.6 Font-awesome A bit of Scss
You can run the webpage at any up to date browser. Just download the project and open the index.html using your browser.
Nothing special.
GNU GPLv3 (https://choosealicense.com/licenses/gpl-3.0/#)