VST version 2.1
The packaged version of this release, which omits many inessential subdirectories, is available at
It is compatible with CompCert 3.2 and Coq 8.7.0, 8.7.1, 8.7.2, 8.8.0.
Changes since version 2.0:
hint tactic, makes suggestions about what Verifiable C tactic to apply (see "Hint" chapter of VC.pdf)
Require Import VST.floyd.functional_base.
If you have a theory file containing a pure functional model WITHOUT separation logic but WITH the theory of CompCert Integers, and you want to use a lot of relevant Floyd tactics and lemmas without having to import all of VST.floyd.proofauto, you can import this file instead. -
Various efficiency improvements in forward, forward_call, entailer, with_library, make_compspecs, make_varspecs.
No holes in the proof: The entire VST development up to VST.floyd.proofauto is now proved without any axioms, assumptions, admitted lemmas, etc. except for some standard axioms: extensionality, proof irrelevance, excluded middle, and (for use by CompCert's floating-point stuff) a lengthy axiomatization of the real numbers.
Private global variables: better encapsulation of modules that use private extern (or static) variables: see the chapter "gvars: Private global variables" in the reference manual (VC.pdf).
Ramification tactics, for more flexible framing than the ordinary freezer or frame rule: tactics localize, unlocalize; documentation to follow.
Magic wand as frame: new library of lemmas and tactics, documentation to follow (but see the hash-table exercise).
Concurrency with ghost state: Verifiable C now supports shared-memory concurrent programming with ghost state in the form of (for example) partial commutative monoids. Documentation to follow.
Overhaul of the control-flow tactics: forward_for deprecated, forward_if more intelligent, forward_loop very capable. See the reference manual chapters "If, While, For" and "For loops (general iterators)" .
Improved rep_omega tactic, which is a more powerful replacement for the previous repable_signed tactic. See chapter "rep_omega".
Fixed issues: 48, 90, 107, 113, 120, 133, 134, 136, 142, 145, 147, 148, 159, 162, 187.