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A tool to automatically generate Foundry unit test cases from Echidna and Medusa failed properties


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Automated utility tooling for smart contract fuzzers

fuzz-utils is a set of Python tools that aim to improve the developer experience when using smart contract fuzzing. The tools include:

  • automatically generate unit tests from Echidna and Medusa failed properties, using the generated reproducer files.
  • automatically generate a Echidna/Medusa compatible fuzzing harness.

fuzz-utils uses Slither for determining types and jinja2 for generating the test files using string templates.

Disclaimer: Please note that fuzz-utils is under development. Currently, not all Solidity types are supported and some types (like bytes*, and string) might be improperly decoded from the corpora call sequences. We are investigating a better corpus format that will ease the creation of unit tests.


fuzz-utils provides support for:

  • ✔️ Generating Foundry unit tests from the fuzzer corpus of single entry point fuzzing harnesses.
  • ✔️ Generating fuzzing harnesses, Actor contracts, and templated attack contracts to ease fuzzing setup.
  • ✔️ Supports Medusa and Echidna corpora
  • ✔️ Test generation supports Solidity types: bool,uint*, int*, address, struct, enum, single-dimensional fixed-size arrays and dynamic arrays, multi-dimensional fixed-size arrays.

Multi-dimensional dynamic arrays, function pointers, and other more complex types are in the works, but are currently not supported.

Installation and pre-requisites

To install fuzz-utils:

pip install fuzz-utils

These commands will install all the Python libraries and tools required to run fuzz-utils. However, it won't install Echidna or Medusa, so you will need to download and install the latest version yourself from its official releases (Echidna, Medusa).


The available tool commands are:

  • init - Initializes a configuration file
  • generate - generates unit tests from a corpus
  • template - generates a fuzzing harness

Generating unit tests

The generate command is used to generate Foundry unit tests from Echidna or Medusa corpus call sequences.

Command-line options:

  • compilation_path: The path to the Solidity file or Foundry directory. By default .
  • -cd/--corpus-dir path_to_corpus_dir: The path to the corpus directory relative to the working directory. By default corpus
  • -c/--contract contract_name: The name of the target contract. If the compilation path only contains one contract the target will be automatically derived.
  • -td/--test-directory path_to_test_directory: The path to the test directory relative to the working directory. By default test
  • -i/--inheritance-path relative_path_to_contract: The relative path from the test directory to the contract (used for overriding inheritance). If this configuration option is not provided the inheritance path will be automatically derived.
  • -f/--fuzzer fuzzer_name: The name of the fuzzer, currently supported: echidna and medusa. By default medusa
  • --named-inputs: Includes function input names when making calls. By defaultfalse
  • --config: Path to the fuzz-utils config JSON file. Empty by default.
  • --all-sequences: Include all corpus sequences when generating unit tests. By default false


In order to generate a test file for the BasicTypes.sol contract, based on the Echidna corpus reproducers for this contract (corpus-basic), we need to cd into the tests/test_data directory which contains the Foundry project and run the command:

fuzz-utils generate ./src/BasicTypes.sol --corpus-dir echidna-corpora/corpus-basic --contract "BasicTypes" --fuzzer echidna

Running this command should generate a BasicTypes_Echidna_Test.sol file in the test directory of the Foundry project.

Generating fuzzing harnesses

The template command is used to generate a fuzzing harness. The harness can include multiple Actor contracts which are used as proxies for user actions, as well as attack contracts which can be selected from a set of premade contracts that perform certain common attack scenarios.

Command-line options:

  • compilation_path: The path to the Solidity file or Foundry directory
  • -n/--name name: str: The name of the fuzzing harness. By default DefaultHarness
  • -c/--contracts target_contracts: list: The name of the target contract. Empty by default.
  • -o/--output-dir output_directory: str: Output directory name. By default fuzzing
  • --config: Path to the fuzz-utils config JSON file
  • --mode: The strategy to use when generating the harnesses. Valid options: simple, prank, actor

Generation modes The tool support three harness generation strategies:

  • simple - The fuzzing harness will be generated with all of the state-changing functions from the target contracts. All function calls are performed directly, with the harness contract as the msg.sender.
  • prank - Similar to simple mode, with the difference that function calls are made from different users by using hevm.prank(). The users can be defined in the configuration file as "actors": ["0xb4b3", "0xb0b", ...]
  • actor - Actor contracts will be generated and all harness function calls will be proxied through these contracts. The Actor contracts can be considered as users of the target contracts and the functions included in these actors can be filtered by modifier, external calls, or by payable. This allows for granular control over user capabilities.


In order to generate a fuzzing harness for the TestERC20.sol contract, we need to cd into the tests/test_data/ directory which contains the Foundry project and run the command:

fuzz-utils template ./src/TestERC20.sol --name "ERC20Harness" --contracts TestERC20

Running this command should generate the directory structure in tests/test_data/test/fuzzing, which contains the fuzzing harness ERC20Harness and the Actor contract DefaultActor.

We can see that the tool has generated the DefaultActor contract which contains all the functions of our ERC20 token, and that our fuzzing harness ERC20Harness is able to call each of these functions by randomly selecting one of the deployed actors, simulating different users.

This reduces the amount of time you need to set up fuzzing harness boilerplate and let's you focus on what really matters, defining invariants and testing the system.


Initializing a configuration file

The init command can be used to initialize a default configuration file in the project root.

Configuration file: Using the configuration file allows for more granular control than just using the command-line options. Valid configuration options are listed below:

    "generate": {
        "targetContract": "BasicTypes",              // The Echidna/Medusa fuzzing harness 
        "compilationPath": "./src/BasicTypes",       // Path to the file or Foundry directory
        "corpusDir": "echidna-corpora/corpus-basic", // Path to the corpus directory
        "fuzzer": "echidna",                         // `echidna` | `medusa`
        "testsDir": "./test/",                       // Path to the directory where the tests will be generated
        "inheritancePath": "../src/",                // Relative path from the testing directory to the contracts
        "namedInputs": false,                        // True | False, whether to include function input names when making calls
        "allSequences": false,                       // True | False, whether to generate tests for the entire corpus (including non-failing sequences)
    "template": {
        "name": "DefaultHarness",                    // The name of the fuzzing harness that will be generated
        "targets": ["BasicTypes"],                   // The contracts to be included in the fuzzing harness
        "outputDir": "./test/fuzzing",               // The output directory where the files and directories will be saved
        "compilationPath": ".",                      // The path to the Solidity file (if single target) or Foundry directory
        "actors": [                                  // At least one actor is required. If the array is empty, the DefaultActor which wraps all of the functions from the target contracts will be generated
                "name": "Default",                   // The name of the Actor contract, saved as `Actor{name}`
                "targets": ["BasicTypes"],           // The list of contracts that the Actor can interact with
                "number": 3,                         // The number of instances of this Actor that will be used in the harness
                "filters": {                         // Used to filter functions so that only functions that fulfill certain criteria are included
                    "strict": false,                 // If `true`, only functions that fulfill *all* the criteria will be included. If `false`, functions that fulfill *any* criteria will be included
                    "onlyModifiers": [],             // List of modifiers to include
                    "onlyPayable": false,            // If `true`, only `payable` functions will be included. If `false`, both payable and non-payable functions will be included
                    "onlyExternalCalls": [],         // Only include functions that make a certain external call. E.g. [`transferFrom`]
        "attacks": [                                 // A list of premade attack contracts to include. 
                "name": "Deposit",                   // The name of the attack contract. 
                "targets": ["BasicTypes"],           // The list of contracts that the attack contract can interact with
                "number": 1,                         // The number of instances of this attack contract that will be used in the harness
                "filters": {                         // Used to filter functions so that only functions that fulfill certain criteria are included
                    "strict": false,                 // If `true`, only functions that fulfill *all* the criteria will be included. If `false`, functions that fulfill *any* criteria will be included
                    "onlyModifiers": [],             // List of modifiers to include
                    "onlyPayable": false,            // If `true`, only `payable` functions will be included. If `false`, both payable and non-payable functions will be included
                    "onlyExternalCalls": [],         // Only include functions that make a certain external call. E.g. [`transferFrom`]


For information about how to contribute to this project, check out the CONTRIBUTING guidelines.


fuzz-utils is licensed and distributed under the AGPLv3.


A tool to automatically generate Foundry unit test cases from Echidna and Medusa failed properties







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  • Solidity 53.1%
  • Python 46.1%
  • Makefile 0.8%