This project involves a comprehensive study and mitigation of vulnerabilities associated with the OWASP Top 10 web application security risks. Utilizing "StiCast!", a web application developed initially for the study of collective intelligence in forecasting, this research demonstrates the practical implications of various security vulnerabilities and their mitigations. "StiCast!" was intentionally designed with vulnerabilities to serve as a testbed for demonstrating attack techniques and their respective mitigation strategies.
- Docker
- Git
To deploy the project, clone the repository and use Docker to launch both the vulnerable and secured versions of "StiCast!":
git clone
cd StiCast/NS_StiCast
docker-compose up
- Vulnerable version: http://localhost:8080/sticast_ko
- Secured version: https://localhost:8443/sticast_ok
You can create a new account or using the following credentials to access the vulnerable version:
- Username: pippo
- Password: pippo123
This study covers various vulnerabilities as categorized by the OWASP Top 10 list. Each section details a type of vulnerability, demonstrates it with practical scenarios using the intentionally vulnerable "StiCast!" webapp, and discusses effective mitigation techniques implemented in the secure version.
Includes Stored, Reflected, and DOM-based XSS attacks with detailed examples, attack scenarios, and mitigation steps.
Demonstrates CSRF attacks through practical scenarios and discusses mitigation strategies such as using tokens and setting SameSite cookie attributes.
Explores various forms of SQL Injection attacks and their prevention, emphasizing the importance of using parameterized queries.
Discusses encrypting sensitive data transmissions using HTTPS and secure password storage mechanisms. Implemented HTTPS and password hashing.
This project also delves into the prevalent issue of Broken Authentication. Broken Authentication occurs when attackers are able to compromise user accounts, keys, or session tokens to assume user identities. Implemented 2FA, brute force account blocking, and token recovery password.
For an in-depth understanding of the security vulnerabilities covered in this project, along with real-case exploitation scenarios, you can check the accompanying PDF document. It provides a comprehensive analysis of each vulnerability, outlines methods of exploit, and offers a rich set of resources for further learning and mitigation strategy.
The PDF includes step-by-step examples of how each vulnerability can be exploited, reflecting real-world attack patterns that can help both developers and security professionals understand the intricacies of web security.
To delve into the details, please refer to the StiCastOWASPTraining.pdf (ITA) included in this repository.
Contributions to the study are welcome. If you have updates, additional vulnerabilities to discuss, or improvements to mitigation strategies, please fork the repository and submit a pull request.