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The Wall Deploy

The sample Rails application for MRSK deploy.

This repository contains example applications demonstrating how to deploy Rails applications with Sidekiq and AnyCable using MRSK.

Read more in our blog-post.

It includes

  • PostgreSQL
  • Sidekiq - for background tasks
  • AnyCable - for Turbo Rails


  1. Install mrsk gem install mrsk
  2. Provide all secrets below to the ENV_FILE (but not .env). Don't commit this file! You can find .env.example here.
Secret Description Source
RAILS_MASTER_KEY Encryption key for Rails Credentials Generate it yourself
MRSK_REGISTRY_PASSWORD Your Docker Hub password
DO_SPACES_KEY Digital Ocean Spaces Key Create Digital Ocean Space (or another S3 compatible storage) and you will get it
DO_SPACES_SECRET Digital Ocean Spaces Secret Create Digital Ocean Space (or another S3 compatible storage) and you will get it
DO_SPACES_BUCKET Digital Ocean Spaces Bucket Create Digital Ocean Space (or another S3 compatible storage) and you will get it
DO_SPACES_REGION Digital Ocean Spaces Region Create Digital Ocean Space (or another S3 compatible storage) and you will get it
POSTGRES_USER User in PostgreSQL that be used to access the DB from Rails Generate it youself
POSTGRES_PASSWORD Password of the PostgreSQL user Generate it yourself
POSTGRES_DB Database for Rails application Generate it yourself
MAIN_HOST The main host of your Rails application Get it from the hosting platform
ANYCABLE_GO_HOST The host which contains AnyCable Go web socket server Get it from the hosting platform
DB_HOST The host for PostgreSQL Get it from the hosting platform
REDIS_HOST The host for Redis Get it from the hosting platform
REDIS_PASSWORD The password to access the Redis instance Generate it yourself
NEW_RELIC_KEY The key of your New Relic account Get it from your New Relic account
  1. Prepare your secrets
export `cat ../ENV_FILE | xargs` && mrsk envify
  1. Setup all services
mrsk setup
  1. Open the MAIN_HOST and enjoy your application

via GitHub Actions


We've prepared GitHub Actions workflow for a deployment. To use it provide all secrets above to repository secrets and run a workflow.

Run locally


We use dip

dip provision


dip up web anycable sidekiq


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