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Qucs GSOC 2015 Ideas

Vadim Kusnetsov edited this page Feb 19, 2015 · 2 revisions

Google Summer of Code (GSOC 2015) ideas list

Author: Vadim Kuznetsov
Status: Draft
Created: 22/01/2015


Here is the list of our ideas for GSOC-2015. These ideas were contributed by our developers. You can implement each of these ideas or propose your own. For more details contact with person responsible for this idea.

Ideas list

Qucs-filter extension

Brief explanation: Currently we have two passive filter synthesis systems: qucs-filter and unfinished qucs-filter-v2. We want to merge them into one. It's need to backport some features from qucs-filter-v2 to qucs-filter(Legendre and Blinchikoff filter transfer function approximations). See . Also we want to add Legenedre approximation to qucs-activefiler (active filters synthesis tool). It's desirable to add inductor coupled resonators topology (see schematic) for passive filters. This topology is important for high-power output fiters of RF power amplifiers.

Inductive coupled resonator filter

Expected results : New transfer function approximations and filter topologies in qucs-filter

Task level : easy

Required skills : C++, Qt, mathematics, electronics or electrical engineering

Contact person : Vadim Kuznetsov [email protected]

Extend Qucs components library

Brief explanation : Qucs has not so may components in its system library. Especially it concerns Inegrated Circuits (ICs) such as opamps, switching circuits, power supply circuits, optocouplers. Transistors (bipolar and FET) are also desired.

It is need to add as many as possible components in Qucs library. Components models should be converted from SPICE models that are provided in datasheets. Perhaps it's need to implement scripts for auto conversion of these models. Especially it concerns opamps.

Expected results : More components in Qucs library

Task level : easy

Required skills : XML, scripting languages (Bash, Python, etc.), SPICE models, electronics or electrical engineering

Contact person : Vadim Kuznetsov [email protected]

Qucs library editor

Brief explanation : Qucs libraries have XML text format. There is no GUI library editor now. It requires open library with text editor and edit it manually. You will need to implement Qt-based GUI qucs-tool "Library editor".

Expected results :

Lirary editor should perform the following functions:

  1. Edit component name and description
  2. Attach component models from Qucs netlist or schematic
  3. Attach Verilog and VHDL models
  4. Attach component symbol
  5. Attach specific netlist node names to component symbol pins
  6. Edit component model or netlist
  7. Convert spice model to Qucs model

Task level : medium

Required skills : C++, Qt, SPICE models, electronics or electrical engineering

Contact person : Vadim Kuznetsov [email protected]

Your own ideas

Propose your own ideas. Start points may be our QEP wikipage or Roadmap wikipage

Expected results : Something useful for Qucs

Required skills : C++, Qt, electronics or electrical engineering

Contact persons : All Qucs developers

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