The repository containes the required coding files used in the malware design.
To Understaand the deep insights of working of Malware specifically Ransomwares on computer systems including their memory traces and possible mitigation and detection techniques like these famous viruses:
WannaCry 2.0 and Petya Ransomwares .
1.) AES 256-CBC Symmetric cryptographic Algorithm for data encryption/decryption purpose .
2.) Socket Based Multithreaded Command/control server to be controlled by the attacker and handlling unique key generation for multiple Triggers .
3.) Ransomware _ decryption tool to revert back the encrypted data to the original form .
4.) Implemented by only secret/private key cryptography for faster execution .
5.) Ransomware_ payload main virus file that is to be run on victim's computer .
6.) Tested on small local LAN network with few Linux and Windows Machines.
7.) It has a Proper strategy to be followed to decrpt the data after Authetication via numeric Token by the Victim .
As this is a Kind of Malicious program can cause lot of damage if misused , I used to develop this only for understanding of about the how actually Ransomware works and to study about it's post traces on memory including Memory/Network forenics .