The gatk pipe for snp/indels (using haplotypecaller) implementation for Pirus This pipeline is not yet stable and is still being worked on.
- You need LXD on your computer to create it
- You should read the official doc of Pirus and LXD (be sure that the LXD bridge is well configured. Your container will need to access to internet).
# create a container
lxc launch images:ubuntu/xenial GatkHaplotypeCaller
# configure it
lxc exec GatkHaplotypeCaller -- /bin/bash
# following directories are mandatory
mkdir -p /pipeline/{inputs,outputs,logs,db,conda}
# need curl if you want to notify server with the progress of your run
apt update
apt install wget curl jq nano git --fix-missing # optional : graphviz (if you need to draw snakemake graph)
# Install miniconda3
cd /pipeline/conda
chmod +x
# Proceed to the installation ("yes" and default option everywhere)
# Set the conda environment for the pipe
git clone
cd Pirus_PipeGatkSnpIndels
/root/miniconda3/bin/conda env create -n gatk_snp_indels -f environment.yml
# Activate GATK with your license (free)
# 1 : Create/Login your account on their website :
# 2 : Choose in the download section the license you need and download
# 3 : save the tar.bz2 from the website on your computer (by example in /tmp/ forlder)
# 4 : put the file into the container
# exit the container. The next command shall be run from the host
lxc file push /var/tmp/GenomeAnalysisTK-3.7.tar.bz2 GatkHaplotypeCaller/pipeline/conda/
lxc exec GatkHaplotypeCaller -- /bin/bash
cd /pipeline/conda
# 5 : activate the conda environment
source activate gatk_snp_indels
# 6 : activate the license
gatk-register GenomeAnalysisTK-3.7.tar.bz2
# exit the container
# stop it and create an image
lxc stop GatkHaplotypeCaller
lxc publish GatkHaplotypeCaller --alias=PirusGatkHaplotypeCaller
lxc image export PirusGatkHaplotypeCaller
# following command must be done as root to avoid image corruption
# (as it will try to create symlink to computer resource in /dev folder by example)
sudo tar xf <the_name_of_lxc_export_something_like_a8d44d24fcs...8fzef54e5>.tar.gz
# append folowing informations into the metadata.yaml file (/!\ don't forget the "," in json dictionnary)
sudo nano metadata.yaml
# if json
"name" : "Gatk HaplotypeCaller",
"description" : "The GATK haplotypecaller pipeline for SNP and Indels.",
"version": "1.0.0",
"pirus_api": "1.0.0",
"license" : "AGPLv3",
"developers" : ["Anne-Sophie DENOMME-PICHON", "Jérémie ROQUET", "Olivier GUEUDELOT", "Sacha SCHUTZ"],
"run" : "/pipeline/conda/Pirus_PipeGatkSnpIndels/",
"inputs" : "/pipeline/inputs",
"outputs" : "/pipeline/outputs",
"databases" : "/pipeline/db",
"logs" : "/pipeline/logs",
"form" : "/pipeline/conda/Pirus_PipeGatkSnpIndels/form.json",
"icon" : "/pipeline/conda/Pirus_PipeGatkSnpIndels/gatk-logo.png"
# Repackage the image in tar.xz
sudo tar cfJ PirusGatkHaplotypeCaller.tar.xz metadata.yaml rootfs templates
sudo rm -fr metadata.yaml rootfs templates
sudo chown $USER:$USER PirusGatkHaplotypeCaller.tar.xz