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rpki-monitoring is a tool for RPKI CA and repository operators. The development of rpki-monitoring at the RIPE NCC was motivated by an incident where RPKI objects expired. After covering this initial gap, more data for prospective alerts for RPKI operators was added.

This is a valuable component for monitoring RPKI repositories, especially when the infrastructure gets complicated (multiple locations for RRDP repositories, multiple rsync nodes, etc).

rpki-monitoring fetches data from (multiple) rsync or RRDP repositories and potentially an API endpoint providing a ground truth (for example, the state of a CA system).

It then creates metrics for:

  • When the first objects are about to expire (both for all objects and for paths matching a regex).
  • The number of objects "created" in the last [time window].
  • The number of objects in (repository) x that are not in y.
  • [optionally]: The number of certificates that have overlapping IP resources.
  • In turn, these metrics are the basis for alerts on:
  • Consistency: Check that objects in the CA system are eventually in repositories.
  • Consistency: Check that all repositories contain the same objects.
  • Liveliness: Check that objects are created.
  • Liveliness: Check that objects are not about to expire (in general).
  • Liveliness: Check that objects from the offline-signing process are not about to expire.
  • Correctness: Check that certificates do not overlap for an extended period.


Copyright (c) 2020-2024 RIPE NCC All rights reserved.

This software, including all its separate source codes, is licensed under the terms of the BSD 3-Clause License. If a copy of the license was not distributed to you, you can obtain one at


The preferred way to run rpki-monitoring is in a docker container. This docker container contains java and rsync.

Resources required rpki-monitoring is a multi-threaded java application. The resource usage depends on both the size of the repositories monitored, as well as the size of each repository. To monitor the production repository infrastructure of the RIPE NCC rpki-monitoring needs 16GB of memory.

$ ./gradlew generateGitProperties
$ docker build . -t rpki-monitoring-main
 ---> 637dd34a2284
Successfully built 637dd34a2284
Successfully tagged rpki-monitoring-main:latest
# note: using the tag here, alternatively, use the hash
$ docker run --rm -e CORE_ENABLE=false -p 9090:9090 rpki-monitoring-main:latest
application startup

The main endpoint is /actuator/prometheus.

Optionally, use JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS to provide JVM arguments such as JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS="-Xmx16128M to adjust the amount of memory available.

To adjust the configuration, either change application.yaml and rebuild. Or,

  1. mount a volume with an additional yaml file with configuration,
  2. set the SPRING_CONFIG_ADDITIONAL_LOCATION=file:/[path in container.(properties|yaml)
  3. and set SPRING_PROFILES_ACTIVE=[profile name].
  4. optionally set JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS

The file in src/main/resources/application.yaml is the default configuration and shows the available options.


The metrics from this tool can be used for various alerts. One core use case is monitoring the expiry of objects. You can set different thresholds for different files in the config. The alerts then look like this:

      - alert: ObjectMatchingRegexAboutToExpire
        expr: >
          rpkimonitoring_expiry_matcher_objects{comparison="below", uri!~".*paas.*"} > 0
          description: >
            {{ $ }} {{ $labels.file_description}} files ({{ $value }})
            expire in {{ $labels.threshold }} in {{ $labels.uri }} ({{ $labels.key }}).
            regex: {{ $labels.regex }}
          summary: "{{ $value }} {{ $ }} {{ $labels.file_description}} expire in {{ $labels.threshold }} in {{ $labels.uri }}"
          severity: P2
      - alert: ObjectsAboutToExpireMetricMissing
        expr:  absent_over_time(rpkimonitoring_collector_expiration_seconds_bucket{le="46800.0", url!~".*\\.paas\\..*"}[3h])
          description: >
            Metric for objects close to expiry from rpki-monitoring is missing
            with time threshold {{ $labels.le }}: We are not monitoring for object expiry.
          summary: "Metric for objects close to expiry with threshold {{ $labels.le }} from rpki-monitoring is missing."
          severity: P3



/actuator/prometheus contains a prometheus endpoint.


Difference in published objects


This runs the differences between all trackers and updates the metrics.

Difference between 2 repositories


The threshold is in seconds.


List all objects that are about to expire in in_hours=... hours:

  • rsync: /about_to_expire/rsync?in_hours=12
  • rrdp: /about_to_expire/rrdp?in_hours=12



View the URL, type and size (at threshold seconds from now) for a repository named <repo>.


Inspect objects

Inspect objects with given URI in the repository tracker. This allows to inspect timings first-seen and disposed-at in the tracked objects. Therefore it does not take a threshold.


As <uri> must be encoded, an easy way of calling this with curl is to set data-urlencode with a GET request. For example:

> curl -G 'http://localhost:9090/core/inspect' --data-urlencode 'uri=<uri>'

List objects

List objects with given URI in the repository at threshold seconds from now.


See above for convenient URL encoding the <uri> parameter.

Running it

gradle bootRun
# Or with remote debugging (5005):
gradle bootRun --debug-jvm
# Select a profile and set needed settings through an environment var
# CORE_API_KEY: Only used when combined with
export CORE_API_KEY=$(cat ~/src/ripe-portal/conf/application.production.conf | grep authorisation-service | sed -e "s/.*= \"\(.*\)\"/\1/")
SPRING_PROFILES_ACTIVE=production gradle bootRun
# Or
CORE_ENABLE=false SPRING_PROFILES_ACTIVE=local gradle clean bootRun

With Docker

# Or build with Dockerfile that does not rely on base image
docker build . -t rpki-monitoring
# And run it
docker run -p 9090:9090 --rm rpki-monitoring
# Or for a profile that requires environment variables:
docker run \
    -it \
    --name rpki-monitoring \
    -v $(pwd):/export/ \
    -e JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS="-Xmx16128M -XX:+HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError -XX:HeapDumpPath=/export/dump.hprof -XX:+ExitOnOutOfMemoryError" \
    -e SPRING_PROFILES_ACTIVE=production \
    -e CORE_ENABLE=false \
    -p 9090:9090 \
    --rm rpki-monitoring

# or, with access to a rpki-core instance, add: