This project is the development of an AI that can play the Blokus board game through algorithms and machine learning.
Through appropriate sorting algorithms and pruning of weaker moves, RegoAI aims to have multiple variables that determine aggression, maximization of perceived area and the blocking of enemy piece vertices.
Similar to Stockfish, an evaluation bar will be able to determine the approximate game state for each player.
I do not own or profit off of Blokus©, the intellectual property of Mattel© and this project does not reflect the ideas or beliefs of Mattel© or any other intellectual property owned by Mattel©. All other product names and associated designs are trademarks and copyrighted properties of their respective owners. ©2013 Mattel. All Rights Reserved.
Bound by 20 x 20 tile grid (400 tiles 2 )
Only allow player starts be from the corner
Only allow piece vertex collision
Have each piece be its own variable
Place all pieces on the board to minimise score
(best score is 0; each player starts with 89 points [w])
Decide on which algorithm to use (depth/best first)
- Monte Carlo Search Tree
- minimax (4 player ?)
- Heuristic Search (Machine Learning)
- Multiplayer alpha beta pruning
- Combinatorial Game Theory
- A* Depth First Search
Develop an AutoSolver in the endgame (10 > moves available)
- Skip function if no moves are available
Evaluation algorithm :
Increase "m" score if approaching middle
+1 if in (20 x 20) - (10 x 10) of square
+2 if in the (10 x 10) - (4 x 4) outline inside
+3 if in the 4 x 4 middle
Decrease "p" score when using -5 pieces
Increase "e" score if % area of 20x20 where x > 25%
Area will always be within 400 t 2
Use of integration for wave-like functions or pythagoras for right-angled triangles or length x width
How can I maximize inward facing vertexes?
- Find a way to condense games into simplifed form similar to Chess
- Aggression metre through AI behaviour to limit opponent block verticies
- Pattern recognition through learning to block incoming threats and pressure
- 0.0.3 (2022-10-01)
- Created red, green, blue, yellow polyomino assets for RegoAI
- 0.0.2 (2022-09-29)
- Discussed development plan and gathered advice from university professors on how to execute the project.
- 0.0.1 (2022-09-20)
- Officially began development
Refer to the Contributing.md file located in the root file of RegoAI.
Currently no known bugs. (wow)