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Julian Miller edited this page Jun 2, 2018 · 3 revisions

Interval-based Questionnaire

This questionnaire is executed in a chosen interval and asks the user about his or her current development's effort.

Elements of the Questionnaire

The window of the questionnaire consists of the following elements.

The questionnaire window.


A simple statusbar in the upmost part of the window shows the number of successfully logged events during the current session.

Section 1: Activity

The upper part of the window shows a free-form filed to specify the activity one was working on. It features auto-completion on previous types of activities.

Section 1: Activity

Section 2: Performance

The second section allows the use to specify performance-related data. If features radio buttons with "Yes" and "No" where a single selection is allowed. On specifying yes, a set of questions appear. The first one handles the performance measurements in form of a metric and the raw performance number. The choice for the metric include: execution time in secondes, minutes and hours, throughput in GFlop/s, the speedup compared to an optimized serial version of the code and other which allows for free-form input.

The second question concerns the leveraged parallelism during the measurements. The choice for the metric are number of threads or nodes and other which allows for free-form input. Next are four questions in the same style of a simple input form. The questions are regarding the used architecture, compiler, programming model and data size for the measurements. All four fields feature auto-completion on previous inputs.

Section 2: Performance

Section 3: Comment

The third section holds a text field to input comments on the current activity.

Section 3: Comment

Section 4: Milestone

The lower part of the window allows the use to specify milestone-related data. If features radio buttons with "Yes" and "No" where a single selection is allowed. On specifying yes, two more input forms appear. The first one is a free-form input field to specify the title of the milestone. Typical choices include: working serial version, tuned serial version, working parallel version and tuned parallel version. The second field lets one specify additional information as a comment linked to the milestone.

Section 4: Milestone


The are three buttons in the lower part of the window:

  • Skip: If the user hits this button the current logging event will be skipped and the user is presented with the main program. The timer until the next event will be reset to the specified logging interval. Hotkey: q
  • Read Log: Opens a view on the logging events of the current project. See Elements of the Log File Viewer for additional information on the viewer.
  • Finish: If the user finished all input he or she can hit this button to save the current logging event and return to the main program. The timer until the next event will be reset to the specified logging interval. Hotkey: f

How to Answer the Questionnaire

There are some default activities to choose:

  • Break
  • Thinking
  • Serial
  • Parallelizing
  • Testing
  • Debugging
  • Tuning
  • Experimenting

To get the results of the logs as accurate as possible please only choose an activity from this list if it falls under this category. If you are uncertain if it belongs to one of the categories above or you worked on something different please choose other from the list. If you did choose other activity please describe it in detail in the comment field.

The comment field is used to keep track of additionally information you want to add to your logs.

If you want to take a brake for some time longer than the default logging interval you do not have to quit the program. You might just let it run in the background and it will set a bigger time slot for your break as soon as you return back to your work place.