This repository contains de-identified example data and resources for computing fractal dimensions from T1-weighted MRI scans. It includes code and patient-derived, de-identified data for analysis and processing. The repository is part of ongoing research in the Radiology-Morrison-lab-UCSF.
:- A CSV file containing fractal dimension values for 90 regions of interest (ROIs) based on the AAL atlas.
:- A de-identified, skull-stripped T1-weighted MRI scan in NIfTI format with identifying features (ears, nose, mouth) removed.
:- An Excel file with LEDD scores for the example patient.
:- An Excel file with MDS-UPDRS scores for the example patient.
:- A jupyter notebook (python 3.7) that performs feature selection and also performs a classification learning task using HGNNs from the DHG package in PyTorch
:- An Excel file with all features and charecteristics used in the predictive modeling for our cohort.
The included example patient data is derived from a real patient but has been de-identified to comply with ethical guidelines:
- All dates (e.g., surgeries and follow-up visits) have been altered, but the time intervals between events remain consistent to ensure accurate calculations.
- The T1-weighted MRI scan has been skull-stripped to remove identifiable features, such as ears, nose, and mouth.
- Metadata an
This repository will soon include:
- Code:
- Scripts for processing weighted MRI images and calculating fractal dimensions.
- Statistical analysis scripts for downstream interpretation and visualization.
- Data:
- De-identified MRI scans and associated metadata.
- All data will be made publicly available through OpenNeuro upon completion of ongoing analyses.
- The code in this repository is licensed under the MIT License.
- The de-identified data in this repository is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) License.
This project is part of ongoing research in the Radiology-Morrison-lab-UCSF. Special thanks to all contributors and collaborators involved in this work.