How to use the subgraph First we have the following information schema, about the queries that have the API, you can find it in subgraph API query information.
The subgraph is getting the information through events for each function, specially is consuming the mint function events.
NOTE: This repositorie is built to deploy each time a commit is pushed to main branch. So, is not necessary to deploy the subgraph before push to main or to a pull request.
Run the project
To run the project:
yarn install
npm install --save
Then you need to install graph CLO globally with NPM or Yarn:
npm install -g @graphprotocol/graph-cli
yarn global add @graphprotocol/graph-cli
Then you have packages installed, please authenticate through CLI:
graph auth --product hosted-service 157aa23a5ba644a8bbbed8dd094ba1a6
And finally you commit changes, fdeploy subgraph:
graph deploy --product hosted-service rafablockdev/cxe-subgraph
Endpoint The endpoint commerxe Subgraph has the schemas to index all smart contract commerxe core information