E-commerce website-Shoe Zone
A fully fledged e-Commerce web application made using NodeJS, MongoDB, HTML, CSS and EJS view engine. Front-end is completely designed by using HTML, CSS, Bootsrap 5 and JavaScript with mobile responsiveness.
- MVC Architecture
- JavaScript and EJS view engine
- NodeJS with Express.js
- MongoDB with Mongoose
- AJAX and JQuery
- Bootstrap 5
- Paypal payment integration
- RazorPay integration
- Product review
- User profile picture with image cropping
- Index:
- Search, Sort and Filter using AJAX
- Single product page
- Category wise collection of products
- Admin side:
- Dashboard with graphs
- Order details download
- Coupon Management
- User Management
- Offer management
- Product Management
- Category Management
- Banner Management
- Brand management
- Shopper side:
- Profile with custom avatar and image cropping
- Cart
- Wishlist
- Orders
- Place order with coupon and offers (AJAX)
- PayPal,Razorpay and COD options for payment
- Multiple Addresses
- momentjs for formatting time
- Sweet alert 2
- Sharp and multer modules for image.
- ExcelJS for printing monthly reports of sales
- ChartJS for bargraph and pie chart
- bcrypt for hashing password