Takes populated system data from EDSM and looks for old system information
Place Json_Pop_Reader.exe and Newtonsoft.Json.dll in the same folder. Launch Json_Pop_Reader.exe and it will load the latest Json into memory. BE CAREFUL - THIS PROGRAM WILL USE 4+GB ON STARTUP. THIS WILL ONLY WORK ON 64bit Systems.
Commands are as follows:
(e)dsm - open edsm page for target
(r)oss - open ross page for target
(d)one - done with target, find next target
(f)ind - finds star with name. syntax is f [name]
(c)losest - finds the 20 closest systems and displays their distance, and when they were last updated
(i)mport - import done.txt to read in all done stars
e(x)port - export done.txt file of all done sector id files
(b)odies - reload body count. Be careful with this command, as you may reach your api rate limit with EDSM.
(h)elp - shows help dialog (showing this information)
(l)ist stations - Station list toggle. Stations follow the following format:
DMFRAT mCIUc RES MAT TEC 1/1/1970 | Station_name
Station Key:
? means unknown on EDSM.
M - Has Market
F - Has Refuel
R - Has Repair
A - Has Rearm
T - Has Tuning (Refit)
m - Has Missions
C - Has Contacts
I - Has Intersteller Contacts
U - Has Universal Catrographics
c - Has Crew
RES - Has Search and Rescue
MAT - Has Material Trader
TEC - Has Technology Broker
Date - Date from Marketupdate > outfittingupdate > shipyardupdate > last_update in that order
Name - Station name
Each symbol is a - when not available and a ? when unknown.
Feel free to raise a new issue for any features/ issues you might have.
More detailed explination on what is going on.
This program downloads all populated systems from EDSM and sorts them based on last updated date. It will return the earliest dates along with some information about the sector. At this point you can enter any of the above commands to change or open at your leisure. If you enter multiple commands, it will only execute the first one.
Json_Pop_Reader is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
Json_Pop_Reader is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with Json_Pop_Reader. If not, see<https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.