This project is the result of working with a re-design we did of an earlier project. The task was to implement additional features to the project and refactor the site to a NEXT.js environment.
- Design spec on figma.
To build and view the project locally use the following steps.
npm install
npm run build
npm start
Open http://localhost:3000 with your browser to see the result.
The site is deployed on Netlify.
This document contains the API endpoints for our cinema that applies for:
- booking a ticket,
- handle reviews,
- information about movies
- handle accounts
GET /api/screenings
Returns a list of 10 movie screenings, including information about the movie, date, time, language and theater. Sorted by date.
GET /api/upcoming-screenings/:id
Returns a list of 10 upcoming screenings for a specific movie, specified by its id. Sorted by date and grouped by day.
GET /api/reviews/:id
Returns the reviews for a specific movie, specified by its id.
POST /api/movies/:id/sendReview
Allows a user to post a review for a specific movie, specified by its id.
GET /api/movies/:id/booking/:displayDate
Returns the available seats for a specific movie screening, specified by its date.
POST /api/movies/:id/payment
Allows a user to make a payment for a specific movie screening, specified by its id.
POST /api/login
Allows a user to log in to the application.
POST /api/createUser
Allows a user to create an account for the application.
Homepage that shows movies available
GET /movies/:id
Information about movie that match id
GET /movies/:id/booking
Book movie that match id
GET /about
Static page about our cinema
GET /contact
Static page with contact information
GET /openinghours
Static page with opening hours