A script that displays real time statistics about COVID-19 (corona).
- Eggdrop >= 1.6.18
- TCL >= 8.6
- tcllib (https://www.tcl.tk/software/tcllib/)
- tcltls (https://core.tcl-lang.org/tcltls/index)
!corona [country] - Shows total statistics if no argument is given. If a country name is given as argument detailed statistics for that country is displayed. Ex: !corona Sweden
!corona-<XX> - Shortcut command to display detailed statistics for a specific country. XX is replaced by a short country name. Ex: !corona-se, !corona-us etc
!coronaus-<XX> - Display statistics for a US state. XX is replaced by the short state name. Ex: !coronaus-ny for New York, or !coronaus-al for Alabama.
!coronaca-<XX> - Display statistics for a province in Canada. XX is replaced by the short province name. Ex: !coronaca-on for Ontario, or !coronaca-ns for Nova Scotia.
!coronatop5 [category] - Display top 5 country statistics. Provide an optional category to override the default (cases).
!coronatop5 help - Display valid categories.