A web application that catalogs all types of events that can be searched for using a variety of filters. The results will be based off of the zip code or location given by the user.
All contributors are welcomed and appreciated. When contributing, please follow normal protocol:
1: Fork the repository in github (https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/how-to-fork-a-github-repository/)
2: Create a new codespace by clicking the green button
3: When in your codespace, create a branch under the name of the issue you are working on:
%(main) git checkout -b <branch_name>
%(main) git checkout <branch_name>
4: While working on your issue, periodically run the following commands to have an up-to-date repository:
%(<branch_name>) git pull
%(<branch_name>) git push origin
5: Once finished with your issue, stage changes:
%(<branch_name>) git pull
%(<branch_name>) git add .
%(<branch_name>) git status
%(<branch_name>) git commit -m "<commit_message>"
%(<branch_name>) git push origin <branch_name>
6: Navigate to Github page for the repository to make a pull request
7: Click 'Compare and pull request'
8: Ensure the 'Compare' branch is the correct branch you are trying to merge with main
9: Make a title and description
10: Finalize and select 'Create pull request'
- https://youtu.be/nCKdihvneS0?si=e-joAvrX8SXJr8P9&t=59