Custom Fieldtype/Inputfield for ProcessWire 2.+
This module gives you a new custom Fieldtype. Let's you select a color using a Colorpicker jQuery Plugin. The color selected will be stored in HEX format uppercase: "EAEAEA";
To use it in your template as a background HEX color, you'd simple output the value and prefix it with a #:
echo "background-color: #" . $page->color;
When creating a new field in the admin, you can set a default value the field should be prefilled with when creating a new page. The field supports a "reset" button to be able to set it back to the default value.
The colorpicker used: ColorPicker jQuery Plugin by Eyecon
- fixed typecasting bug: when a color value is numeric it should be typecasted to string. This prevents the color picker window from not being launched. @Rayden
- fixed small visualisation issue with the color swatch preventing a box collapse with css. @Rayden
- added support for color swatches for easy predefining and selecting color values @Rayden
- added "transp" support for a transparent value (empty)
- fix bug with default value
- fix bug when used in repeaters
- added support for default value
- added reset link to set back to default color
- Fixed issue with colorpicker not working when used in tabs
- Remove lots of code not needed. Cleanup.
- Initial Stable Release.
- Download the contents of this repository and put the folder renamed as "ColorPicker" into your site/modules/ folder
- Login to processwire and got to Modules page and click "Check for new modules". You should see a note that two new modules were found. Install the FieldtypeColorPicker module under "Field" section. This will also install the required InputfieldColorPicker at the same time.
- Done
- You can now create a new field with the "ColorPicker" Fieldtype.