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Enhanced Filtering

RePod edited this page Jun 5, 2019 · 8 revisions


The displayed table can be sorted by name, date, or size either ascending or descending.

Simply click the desired column's header to select it, and click it again to invert it.


Systems will always be available to filter, and selectively hide or show each individual system.

If Catalog is enabled (see below), it can potentially add new systems to the list.


Enabling Catalog during startup will fetch additional information about each download list entry to determine their true system, categories, and other unique information.

Notably, PS1 classics will be marked as PS1 games instead of PSP.
PS2 classics for PS3 or PS4 will be marked as PS2 games instead of PS3 or PS4.

Categories introduced by enabling Catalog allow filtering by predefined categories on the web store.
For instance between games, add-ons, themes, or avatars.

While the Catalog information may be accurate, not all items may have the same information provided such as pricing or genres. Not necessarily a limitation of Catalog, but the information is simply not there.


The search box is the most powerful component to filter with as it can target several scopes (names, IDs, etc.) and apply Regular Expressions (regex) to them. Additional search scopes may be available when using Catalog.

Non-regex searching is as one would expect, so below are ways to utilize regex to enhance your filtering.

Regex is used if the search box contains valid (enough) regex that starts with / and ends with / and possible modifiers. PSDLE supports the /i modifier and offers a custom /d modifier which inverts matches (examples below).

  • Return all entries that have the or boat (case-insensitive) anywhere in the title: (Name scope)
    • /(the|boat)/i
  • Return entries that titles start with The (case-sensitive): (Name scope)
    • /^The/
  • Exclude entries that titles end with end (case-insensitive): (Name scope)
    • /end$/id

While those are simple name scope searches, the true power is available when searching by item or product IDs.

For this example, we'll look at "problematic" entries that otherwise spam the download list.
Sword Art Online -Hollow Fragment- (SAO -HF-) for the PS Vita will be used to demonstrate.

  • SAO -HF-'s product ID is UP0700-PCSE00465_00-SWORDART2USEU100
  • One of its DLC packs' product ID is UP0700-PCSE00465_00-B000000000000754

The DLC pack adds 20 entries to the download list and not all entries share a common name to search by.
Therefore, by combining product ID searching and regex we can group these together and do what we want.

  • Show only SAO -HF- and its DLC: (Product ID scope) (increasingly more optimized)
  • /(UP0700-PCSE00465_00-SWORDART2USEU100|UP0700-PCSE00465_00-B000000000000754)/
  • /(PCSE00465_00-SWORDART2USEU100|PCSE00465_00-B000000000000754)/
  • /PCSE00465_00-(SWORDART2USEU100|B000000000000754)/
  • /(SWORDART2USEU100|B000000000000754)$/
  • /(SWORDART2USEU100|B0+754)$/

Now that we have them all grouped into a single unit, if we want to hide all these instead of showing only them we attach the /d modifier:

  • /(SWORDART2USEU100|B0+754)$/d

From this point, one can combine multiple different expressions to finely tune the results they get.
What is displayed on the table is the same that is given when using Export View.

For more information on JavaScript regex, click here.