This is a Discord bot that is currently under developement
get news about a specific topic.
compile code sent in the chat, if it starts with "!compile".
get current price and news about crypto.
get current weather of specified city.
welcome new members
- refactor code
- add more news options (date, website, etc...)
- and other functionalities
- compiling javascript code
- Implemented news functionality
- Implemented weather functionality
- add custom error class
to run the code:
- build typescript by:
npm run build
-> compiles typescript to javascript (have to execute after every change) - run node js:
npm start
-> run only after running the previous command.
to compile code:
- run
!copmile ${code}
to get news about a specific topic
- run
!news #TOPIC
topic should be one word
to get a wild tweet from kanye
- run
to get current weather of a specified city
- run
!weather {city}
to get current price of a crypto coin
- run
!crypto {coinName}
Contributions are always welcome!
clone this repository: git clone
if you want to change the branch:
git branch
to list all the branches, the current branch will be specified by* ex:*main
git checkout your_branch
change your_branch by the branch that interests you