inpired by, LRC MAKER is file maker for lrc file with no trafic data. the song is played in browser localy.
- Upload An Audio: Click the 'Select Audio' button to select your audio file.
- Add Lyrics: Enter the lyrics then click next.
- Timestamp Lyrics: Use the button that look like stopwach on right bottom to add timestamps.
- Save and Export: Click the save button on left side of stopwach button to open save & copy page
- play and Pause AudioArrow Right
- fordwarding audio timeArrow Left
- rewinding audio times
- swich to save pagee
- swich to editor pagev
- swich to view pageEnter
- stamping lyrics and swich to next lineEnter + Shift
- stamping lyrics, but not swich to next line
- Load File Audio & lrc with drag and drop feature.
- Simple time staping.
- Light & Dark mode theme.
- Have 2 Language option.
- Save as .lrc file or copy option.