Version 2.2.0
The new version 2.2.0 is just around the corner with big changes and updates just in time for Easter. The whole team wishes you happy easter days and much success with your network with the new cloud version!
[*] Fixed ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException on permission check
[*] Fixed ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException in proxy addon
[*] Fixed delete of process groups on nodes
[*] Fixed possibility to connect to processes which are invisible
[*] Improved workflow with nodes in cluster and process handling
[+] Rethink Database support
[+] Dynamic memory option
[+] MySQL connection pooling
[+] Possibility to prepare the cloud processes and start them later
[+] Complete recode of sign system and sign knockback support for sponge
[+] Automatic reload of application configurations on proxies/servers after reload of the cloud
[+] Complete recode of the runner
[+] Better file downloading and outprint of file size which is downloaded
[+] Specific message if a player is not using an internal proxy server
🔴 Furthermore, we have done a lot of code updates and tested them as much as possible, we apologize, but if there are problems after the update please report them by opening an issue and we will take care of them as soon as possible!
[*] Replace the runner in the main directory of your cloud system. If you start it you have to re-enter the current executor which you was using before the update
[*] The node config will update automatically and you have a few more maps available. DO NOT use the networkListener
, httpNetworkListener
and otherNodes
options. They got replaced with networkListeners
, httpNetworkListeners
and clusterNodes
options. They old ones will get removed in a further release.
🔗 The most important links (for developers they are listed below):
➥ Download:
➥ Addons:
➥ Plugins:
➥ SpigotMC:
💭 For Developers:
➥ Documentation:
➥ GitHub:
➥ Jenkins:
[*] Most of the methods in the ProcessInformation class have been deprecated and replaced with the ProcessDetail class (ProcessInformation#getProcessDetail)
[*] Removed classes DoubleFunction (in systems/reformcloud/reformcloud2/executor/api/common/utility/function) and Quad (in systems/reformcloud/reformcloud2/executor/api/common/utility/list)
[+] Possibility to include plugins before the start of a process
[+] New possibilities for starting a process (set port, id, uniqueID, display name, max memory, max players etc.) using the new api methods in ProcessSync/ProcessAsync API or the ProcessConfigurationBuilder class (ProcessConfigurationBuilder.newBuilder)
🟢 Dependency updates:
[*] Netty 4.1.46.Final ➥ 4.1.48.Final
[*] maven-javadoc-plugin 3.1.1 ➥ 3.2.0
[*] spongeapi 7.1.0 ➥ 7.2.0
[*] bcprov-jdk15on 1.64 ➥ 1.65
[*] mongo-java-driver 3.12.2 ➥ 3.12.3
[*] jline 3.14.0 ➥ 3.14.1
[+] rethinkdb-driver 2.4.2
📌 ReformCloud is available in the central repository:
repositories {
General api (for all executors available):
compileOnly group: 'systems.reformcloud.reformcloud2', name: 'reformcloud2-executor-api', version: '2.2.0'
API implementations (not supported and may contain breaking changes from version to version):
compileOnly group: 'systems.reformcloud.reformcloud2', name: 'reformcloud2-executor', version: '2.2.0'
Permission system (executor specific implemented):
compileOnly group: 'systems.reformcloud.reformcloud2', name: 'reformcloud2-default-application-permissions', version: '2.2.0'
Sign system (Executor specific implemented):
compileOnly group: 'systems.reformcloud.reformcloud2', name: 'reformcloud2-default-application-signs', version: '2.2.0'
📌 ReformCloud is available in the central repository (no repository specification in pom.xml is needed)
General api (for all executors available):
API implementations (not supported and may contain breaking changes from version to version):
Permission system (executor specific implemented):
Sign system (Executor specific implemented):