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Song sheet database for psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs


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Song sheet database for psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs

Getting Started

You might need to install postgres, the easiest way is to download and run Follow the app's setup tutorial to install CLI tools as well.

  • bundle install
  • rails db:create
  • rails db:migrate
  • pg_restore --verbose --clean --no-acl --no-owner -h localhost -d songbase_development latest.dump to load 'latest.dump' into dev db. If the dump is old or not working, send an email to [email protected] to request an updated DB dump
  • rails test to run the test suite, rails test:all to include system tests

Note for superadmin: heroku pg:backups:capture and heroku pg:backups:download will refresh the dump.


If you want a bit of a backstory on songbase: I was in a high school church meeting one time, seeing some new ones from a very poor background. Someone was showing them isilo and trying to convince them to pay something like $20 for an app decades behind the times, just so they can get the song lyrics on their phone. It made me angry that there was such a high barrier. I also noticed that we produce new songbooks for the young people all the time—and within a year there are new songs they want to sing that aren't in those books. So we try adding to the back of them, or printing new books. Eventually with some help I created songbase with the following goals:

  • Continually (and crowd-sourced) updated songs—even within a meeting I can fix a typo or add a new song.
  • Fast. This should feel instant, not like scrolling a website.
  • Completely distraction free. I love and the excerpts and comments and sound files and social media links, it's a great resource for studying the songs. But in meetings we found it a bit distracting for the saints, to finish a song but then start scrolling through the comments.

​There are a lot of other features, but these are the ones that I love.

Using the API

A few people have reached out about making a similar project, but using the data from songbase. This is great! May we all find ways to help one another serve our God and His people. My best recommendation here is to use songbase's api, either directly from the client or at least regularly syncing to your db. Here are the endpoints:

  • grabs all the data for songs and songbooks, this might be good for a giant refresh. ​- gets a list of all the languages in the db.
  • grabs all the data only for english songs (and so on for each language)​. If you get the languages first, and then fetch each language at the same time, you can download everything much faster, and have some songs loading before everything has finished.
  • gets a list of data--but only what has changed after the updated_at timestamp. Songbase sends this with updated_at being the result of new Date().getTime() (in JS) to only get new data, instead of redownloading the entire db every time you load the site. This is pretty important if the client is fetching the API, since the full download will be several mb in size.

If you are interested in the api for creating your own software, I would recommend checking out app/assets/javascripts/components/SongDisplay.jsx to see how the raw song data is converted to html (chord transposing is also there).


This was first a Rails app, now it uses React to allow state management and offline navigation. Instead of maintaining two separate apps, the frontend and backend are (somewhat mashed) together in this project. The main difference is that React is served through a Rails gem, and importing/exporting JS components doesn't work like a regular React project.

Devops/architecture stack

  • This is a Ruby on Rails site, the server runs ruby
  • The front end is mostly React, served by the Rails server (not a separate code-base)
  • PWA configuration means the front end runs disconnected from the server, only pinging for data sync updates on page reload.
  • The Rails server is hosted on Heroku
  • The database is Postgres, hosted on aws via Heroku add-on


  • Users can view lyrics and chords to songs
  • Languages can be toggled
  • Any song/book navigation is offline (after first visiting the site)
  • Site navigation and search is instant
  • Songs can be filtered by search or by book
  • Within a book, index can be sorted by title or by index number
  • Search lyrics as well as first line
  • Backend users can log in via google
  • Backend users can enter new songs and edit songs
  • Infinite scrolling to speed up search loading.
  • References at the end of a song bring the user to the index of that book
  • Fully offline! After initial load, clients should be able to later load songbase even without internet connection (it's patchy, confirmed working on chrome for android)
  • PWA app :) this website is now installable from the browser as a standalone app.
  • Alternate tunes/versions can be added to the same song


Short-term TODO

  • [done]Investigate removing Dexie and using indexedDB directly (or writing a simple in-house interface for indexedDB) - UPDATE Dexie is very useful, we'll keep it for now
  • [done]Separate language API calls better, prioritise English for first loads
  • [done]Show syncing in UX while loading is still going
  • Import chinese (trad & simple?), check for UTF errors if characters require more than the default encoding
  • Pinyin, would be cool to have english transliteration above the characters, I don't think we can dynamically generate it, but maybe there's an api (and make pinyin online-only)?

CRUD books

Notes from 13 Sep 2023:

  • UI

    • Looks like an index page, but with hamburger drag-to-reorder buttons on each song.
    • Search bar at the top with animated slide-out to show searched songs are not part of book
    • Click on search result and it's added to book
    • [index number] [song title] [delete icon, with confirmation] [Draggable icon]
    • Steps
      • Blank page with 3 dummy song title cards
      • Draggable to rearrange
      • Rearranging updates the index numbers (or have the index numbers outside the cards?)
      • Search bar with click to add to the page
      • Delete button with confirmation
      • Custom books page, with custom books deleteable and editable
      • Don't sync books by default, only hymnals (blue?)
  • On drag

    • Disappear original
    • If dragged over another item, remove dummy from list, insert dummy to position of dragged-over item
    • Make sure boundaries are full screen width, so it always reshuffles as the mouse drags around

Notes from 17 Aug 2023:

  • Books need a csv field of email addresses allowed to edit the song. Users need to log in via gmail, and then their email is checked against this value. This feels like the best compromise between avoiding user signup and privilege-based access.
  • Creating/editing books is still a question of UI
  • Add link icon in book index to get shareable link
    • Book's index url should also be a shareable link
  • Song form should not use Book.app_data, find a better way to query references
  • IDEA:
    • Books are created locally
    • When a share link is clicked, the booked is synced to server
    • After 1 month, book is taken down? Nah but if it's just one record, seems fine to keep up.. What about 10k useless lost user books? Hmm maybe after 6 months of no updating, remove it? Seems like a task for 6 months later...


  • [done]Create new field in books

  • [done]Migrate data from song_books to books

  • [done]Figure out whether client needs to parse books back to references or just change its ways (done, I want to change ways)

  • [done]Keep v1 api but only returning song data

  • [done]Build v2 separate

    • [done]Create v2 controller, with tests
    • [done]SongApp to ping new api endpoint, and use the new data structure
    • [done]Admin side to use new controller, create tests
    • Email people about v2 when its in prod
  • [done]Test preloaded props songs and books are working

  • Remove song_books from db and code

  • General refactor

  • Book creation page

    • Book login page, separate from admin because we don't need all users knowing about admin
    • Add array (or string?) of email addresses to book records. Users can log in via google, and their email matched to give access to edit that particular book.
    • How to add songs to a book? Better to not clog up the song display, perhaps in the book edit page we can just have a searchable index, clicking brings to another panel, with draggable titles for ordering?
    • Search similar to admin search, could probably reuse that api
    • Advanced--clicking could bring up a modal to preview the song to confirm it's the right one. But for now, can just click a + next to the title to add it to the book.
    • Search can overlay the screen, and with nothing searched it shows the list of songs in the book with a hamburger to click and drag to change the order
    • Creating a book should have "My Favorites" as the default name
  • Book selection page

    • Add some kind of note to book selection page that if a book is missing, they need someone to share with them, or to perhaps check languages in the settings.
    • Remove book button, for user-owned books
    • Logging in should sync books saved between client and user record on db (add array col of books)
    • Logging in should save email address into indexedDB, so logging in is not required again
  • Shareable link

    • e.g., where name is there for visual reference but discarded so changing names doesn't break the link
    • Link needs to be easily accessed, perhaps in book selection page?
    • A song url that includes a book in the path should add the book
  • Remove blue songbook from defaults, but keep hymnals

Book printing

  • [done] First stage is to get a single song with chords in a copy-paste format.
  • Second stage is to get the whole book as back-to-back copy-paste songs. This is probably the best state because people still want to edit and move things around.


  • Exact duplicates will no longer be created (by some previous double-submitting bug). Near duplicates (e.g. one version without chords, one with) are tricky to catch. The best solution I can think of is to use Postgres's Levenshtein function to match string similarity, but that has a 255 byte max, so we'd need to combine it with a LEFT function to get the first 60 characters (assuming the worst case is all characters are 4 bytes), and possibly some kind of regex to remove chords from the comparison. Would be cool, but it's technically challenging enough that manual finding/fixing is sufficient for now.
  • What if I strip lyrics of all chords and non-chars, downcase, then compare the first 100 chars? Would have to be a script, because it's O(n^2).

Better analytics

  • If a user stays on a song for more than 30 seconds, add to list of sung songs. Periodically sync that list with the server so we have records of what songs are sung.
  • This is useful to know which songs are popular, e.g. for camp songbooks
  • Homepage could be a list of popular songs, instead of all songs starting with A
  • Also useful to see orphaned songs, that are no longer sung and are just clutter
  • Build a hash of {song_id: sing_count} to add to next sync. Controller can add those counts to songs (will that ddos the server with too many db calls?). Timestamps and things can be left to statcounter, but at least we can have a running total (or should we bump in a new column every year or something? probs not)
  • We don't want to update a song with a count, that would cause too much data to update every time the client syncs. We'll need some kind of analytics table, probably with a jsonb hash of song_id => count, and some fancy syncing that goes "after 30s tell the server I sang this song, otherwise store it in a list to send the next time I sing a song"

New notes:

  • Create hash of analytics data on client, send every now and then according to connectivity
  • On the server side, store 1 record per song to get fine-grained info
  • This is 10k records per day
  • After 7 days, those records can be reduced to e.g. an array of month totals on the song record, then the individual records deleted
  • This will keep the db to ~70-100k records for analytics, never going beyond that, while keeping a huge amount of accurate data

Columns/Split screen

  • Turn hamburger icon into a dialog open button
  • Show treb clef with staff icon with a radio toggle for showChords (disable radio greyed out if no chords)
  • Show a one col icon arrow to two cols icon, then a minus, value, plus control set like we have for capo.
  • Put capo controls here, we'll need an icon. (but it's nice to see the chords change, so you can really feel like spiderman) (mayybe)
  • [Big One]Rewrite the entire lyrics formatting algorithm, so that we can wrap stanzas and choruses into divs, and force breaks on them so it doesn't break a div in half for columns.
  • Remove margin/width stuff from most containers, references may need to be treated differently
  • Move song controls outside of the lyrics div
  • Set columns: 2 auto; column-gap: 40px; to .lyrics, where 2 is probably going to be an inline style set by js when the controls are clicked
  • IDEA: instead of manually setting number of cols, just have on/off. When on, increment the number of cols until the height of the text is less than the (100vh - whatever is above the lyrics div). I think we can js to find the hegiht of the div using element.offsetHeight

Copyright fellowship

  • General disclaimer/statement
  • Copyright button that pops up with more information?

Book navigation via sideswiping

  • Would be cool to swipe horizontally to move between songs in a book
  • Can use scroll snapping to center on the next song
  • Might have issues with native phone behaviour of going backwards when swiping left..

Debounce admin API call

  • Put a lil d'bounce while admin is typing in search, so we don't fire 7 calls while she/he be typin'

History on the front page

  • Record "visited" songs (not 30s, just opened), update it with the 30s timer to count as sung
  • Put a history icon on index, perhaps next to book icon, that toggles page to list of songs in order of recently opened

Home and book navigation overlap

  • If pressing the home button takes a second, the user might press it twice... and end up in the book selection page. We should block the book navigation for ~500ms after pressing the home navigation

PWA stops admin working

  • The login/Oauth system redirect tries to open the app instead of the browser

When clicking into a song's book index, highlight the song in the index

  • Currently it scrolls to have the song in the middle, but that's difficult to see/understand in the wall of titles.

Add asian languages

  • Korean
  • Cebuano
  • Tagalog
  • Chinese traditional
  • Chinese Simplified


  • Get the language names in the language
  • Write a script to import them all from the text files
  • Link them to their other language links (make a method to link 1 song to all of another song's language links)

Cache globe reference toggle

Book index toggle overlapping search

  • Small screens like iphone SE
  • When in a book, the toggler between alphabet and index overlaps the search.
  • Could be solved by a media query for screen length, then reducing sizae or maybe shifting search to be left aligned.
  • Only needs to be when inside a book, when that toggle isn't there, it's nice to have the big search bar.


Song sheet database for psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs







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