This program was written using Netbeans, which has its own built-in GUI. In order to run this program, follow the steps below:
- Install Netbeans
- In Netbeans, go to File > Import Project > From ZIP...
- Select the downloaded ZIP file and it should load into the 'Projects' tab on the left side
- Run
Once the program has run, go to Help > About to learn more about the program. When the program run, it will display a picture. Enter the number of questions in the question box, and select the player at bottom-right corner to set up the quiz. Click enter to start.
A different image will pop up with a state name beside it. Type the capital city of the state and click submit. The program will output your result. The game will reset once the number of questions have been reached.
You can check each player's statistic from Player Database > Player Details