A Neovim-lua package for neovim to get everything like vscode
clone and paste as nvim or as Complexity.nvim (must be ran with "NVIM_APPNAME=Complexity.nvim nvim")
-- ngl im not certain about all of these, most are, some probs not
xclip | xsel | wl_copy
Tick mark displays enabled/ disabled on default config
- lazy.nvim (gods gift)
- nvim-lspconfig
- mason-lspconfig.nvim
- mason - nvim-lsp-file-operations
- lsp_signature.nvim
- garbage-day.nvim
- lspkind.nvim
- nvim-cmp
- cmp-nvim-lsp
- cmp-buffer
- cmp-nvim-lua
- cmp-cmdline
- cmp-calc
- cmp-async-path
- cmp_luasnip
- lua snip - cmp-rg
- ripgrep - nvim-autopairs
- LuaSnip (snippet loader)
- friendly-snippets (snippet repo)
- nvim-scissors (snippet generator)
- telescope
- conform.nvim
- mason-conform.nvim
- mason
- nvim-lint
- mason-nvim-lint
- mason
- nvim-treesitter (Code highlighter)
- nvim-ts-autotag
- indent-blankline.nvim (highlight indent scope)
- ts-comments.nvim (Override TS comments)
- rainbow-delimiters.nvim (Highlight brackets)
- indent blankline
- nvim-tree.lua
- harpoon (Move faster with marks)
- plenary
- telescope-fzf-native.nvim
- telescope-frecency.nvim
- telescope-undo.nvim
- telescope-luasnip.nvim
- luasnip - telescope-git-diffs.nvim
- git - telescope-zoxide
- zoxide - telescope-ports.nvim
- nvim-neoclip.lua
- lazygit.nvim
- lazy git - mini-git
- gitsigns.nvim
- wezterm.nvim (auto detects to enable)
- neoterm
- toggleterm.nvim
- trouble.nvim (Show lsp/ syntax issues errors)
- Comment.nvim (Select and deselect comment strings)
- which-key.nvim (See key options)
- outline.nvim (easier code navigation, by class/ func)
- snacks.nvim (Large file support and better loading)
- mini.trailspace (Highlight bad spaces)
- refactoring.nvim (Select and refractor code) - telescope
- neogen (Auto generate annotations)
- fold-cycle.nvim (Better keymaps for folding/ toggle folds)
- foldsigns.nvim (Fold signs)
- nvim-ufo (Much better folding and fold management)
- promise-async
- treesitter
- vim-illuminate (Highlight current word)
- todo-comments.nvim (Highlight important comments and traverse there later)
- nvim-numbertoggle (Highlights current line number)
- notifier
- lsp-notify - popup.nvim (Better popups != notify)
- dressing.nvim (Improves on vim.ui defaults)
- flow.nvim
- zen-mode.nvim
- scratch.nvim
- neominimap.nvim
- codesnap.nvim (Hard to get working!)
- cheatsheet.nvim
- player.nvim (Personal fork)
- notifier -- optional
- micropy.nvim
- toggleterm
- dressing.nvim
- phpactor.nvim
- plenary
- lsp config - php.easy.nvim
- lua snip
- markdown-preview.nvim
- markdown-toc
- edit-markdown-table.nvim
- tree sitter
- nvim-java
- lsp config
- go.nvim
- lsp config
- treesitter
- guihua.lua - nvim-go
- lsp config
- plenary
- rest.nvim
- tailwindcss-colorizer-cmp.nvim
- flutter-tools.nvim
- plenary
- dressing
- dap
- cmake-tools.nvim
- cmake
- dap
- overseer
Yes it is, but using lazy loading i have gotten loading into nvim down to 50 ms, so it still feels snappy.
It struggles once there are many different buffers and lsps attached, but i am going to blame inneficient cli tools and lsps on that.
If you are the kind of person to code in a multitude of languages at once and want to use this, consider slicing down on some plugins, or playing around with garbage-day.nvim. It is already installed but setting it to aggressive will likely help you out.
Keymaps will likely be added to the wiki later.