Thrive 0.5.2
It's once again time for a new Thrive release. We got a lot done for this release, this might be the longest patch notes so far.
We didn't manage to implement the process system panel, but other than that we got pretty much all the planned features in for this release.
Read more in our devblog:
For easiest installation, download the latest version of the launcher:
Alternatively, download the relevant file below for manual installation.
Patch Notes
- Tutorials were added
- Editor UI has been redone + some other GUI tweaks were done
- Auto-evo populations are no longer random, they are now computed using an auto-evo prototype algorithm
- The new auto-evo algorithm makes the AI species to respond to the conditions in the patches they are in
- Fired toxins and environmental toxins have a new particle effect
- Many buttons in the editor now have tooltips
- Saving and loading GUIs were improved
- Spawn system has been partly reworked so that respawning no longer results in an abundance of resources while they are normally too hard to find
- Updated to Godot 3.2.3
- Cell physics should now properly match with the hexes in a cell (before it was incorrectly made so that all hex collisions were positioned at the cell origin)
- Changing options during gameplay is now possible
- Options are no longer automatically saved, instead they need to be manually saved when exiting the options menu to keep the changes
- Sound effects and ambience now have separate volume sliders
- Volume sliders should change the volume better, they now use a linear to decibel conversion
- With 125% Windows scaling text in the editor should no longer get cutoff
- There is now a time indicator in the editor showing the current year in-game
- Trying to exit the editor with negative ATP balance shows a warning now
- Failing to place an organelle now plays a sound
- If you don't have enough MP to place an organelle the MP bar flashes
- Hexes placed in the current editor session are slightly brighter to make it possible to tell them apart from old ones
- Auto-save happens after the stage fade in now to no longer have all dark screenshots
- F1 now opens the help menu
- Added a tooltip for double membrane
- Patches are now capped at 100% sunlight
- Balance tweaks (especially to photosynthesis)
- ATP balance bar now has tooltips
- More editor buttons now play the button press sound
- There's now a button in the load menu to open the saves folder
- Clean up old saves button is now implemented
- There is now a warning when loading a save made with a different game version, as save compatibility is not guaranteed currently
- Delete selected saves is now implemented
- Reproduction bar sides now individually turn white
- Finding marine snow should now be possible
- Fixed problem with auto save overwrite if only 1 auto save is selected to be kept
- Membrane graphics no longer glitch out around 0,0,0
- Changed population numbers from ints to longs to allow much bigger maximum populations
- Taking a screenshot now also happens when pressing PrintScrn (before only F12 took a screenshot)
- Microbe AI think interval was reduced from 2.3 seconds to 0.3 seconds to make them more responsive
- MP bar in the editor now takes symmetry into account and shows how much the currently selected organelle costs
- Osmoregulation change is now given as percentage in the membrane tooltips
- ATP balance bars again show the totals
- Player daughter cell is now prevented from splitting immediately after exiting the editor. This is to prevent 3 cells appearing after exiting the editor, which might confuse some to think that it is a bug
- Rigidity bar now moves as far as MP allows when clicking on the bar
- Loading a save made in the editor while in the editor now works
- Patches now show their depth in the editor
- Chromatic aberration checkbox can now be toggled by clicking the text
- Species name and colour are now properly saved while in the editor
- Increased the radius from which cells under the cursor are detected
- The game should now appear in Windows program list / task manager as Thrive instead of Godot
- General code and documentation improvements