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Thrive 0.5.5

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@hhyyrylainen hhyyrylainen released this 21 Aug 09:48
· 8421 commits to master since this release

For this release we mostly focused on fixing things. With the most important being colony related fixes.

Read more in our devblog:

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For easiest installation, download the latest version of the launcher:

Alternatively, download the relevant file below for manual installation.

Patch Notes

  • Improvements to colony physics and member rotation issues
  • Added a new abilities hotbar with buttons for activating various cell abilities
  • Spawn system now uses a bag approach that attempts to more fairly spawn from each category. This along with other spawn system tweaks should fix bugs with iron not spawning where it should.
  • New iron chunk look
  • Improved microbe membrane visuals
  • Spawn rate is now reduced if the player is stationary
  • AI run and tumble behaviour has been improved
  • Key prompts now update the shown keys on keybinding change
  • Fixed an organelle related crash in the editor which happened for example when undoing and re-placing the nucleus
  • The help menu now uses compound icons and shows the current key bindings for actions referred to in it
  • Added a save upgrade system that allows upgrading 0.5.4 saves to this version. If this is kept up to date we can hopefully keep save compatibility for a long time
  • Fixed the ATP and health bars becoming stuck sometimes. Also ATP bar should now stay full better without quickly changing between being full and almost full.
  • Fixed showing the blank keyprompt icon
  • The ATP and health bars now remember the max values when the player dies, instead of reverting to showing the default values
  • Tweaked AI to hopefully avoid cells spinning around in a position where they were trying to engulf a chunk
  • Added audio output device selection to the options menu
  • The AI is now much more likely to move immediately after spawning
  • Processes can now run at fractional speed to allow running them for example when only a little bit of input compound or output space is available
  • Added an option to disable the GUI light on the editor button. Please report if disabling this feature helps you if you previously experienced the bottom right of the microbe GUI sometimes having parts of it disappear
  • There is now a separate icon for species in graphs when they go extinct entirely versus just from the current patch
  • Changed rendering mode to multithreaded in Godot
  • Auto-evo now models different energy sources better, which should result in better evolved species
  • Unbinding ESC from actions is no longer possible as it was not possible to get that binding back
  • Fixed a crash in mutations generation if the player entered a species name that contained a one letter word
  • Dragging and dropping a save onto the game window will now load that save
  • Improved the layout of the help menu texts, now they are again specified manually if they are in the left or right columns
  • Undo and redo buttons are now disabled while moving an organelle
  • Fixed organelles being marked as moved incorrectly if re-placed at their current location, allowing then to do a free proper move
  • Fixed a crash happening if the load game menu was exited, re-entered and load pressed
  • Fixed process panel not working correctly when the player had all organelles
  • Fixed crash in duplicate player cheat after loading a save
  • Changed the alignment of graph y-axis labels
  • The same microbe ambiance track can now repeat, instead of always switching to the other one when one ended
  • If save loading fails, the already loaded objects are now properly freed
  • Player cell is properly reset to normal state after unbinding a cell in unbinding mode
  • Entering the editor while in a colony should now be properly blocked, though it seems there is still a bug that can allow that
  • Options menu now scales to content size
  • Closing the pause menu with ESC when there are unsaved changes no longer happens
  • Saving or loading is now prevented if already in progress, this fixes a crash with rapidly pressing the quick save and load buttons
  • Pressing ESC in the options or load menu when opened from the main menu, now goes back to the main menu
  • Slightly refactored the code for the tooltip system
  • Fixed player species remove on extinction from list of species
  • Fixed options menu tooltips not showing when accessing it from the pause menu
  • Unbinding now always returns cells to normal state
  • Spamming F1 no longer cycles the fun fact / tip in the help menu
  • Compound amount labels in the GUI now update on language change
  • The game now prints C# and Godot locale on startup
  • Changed the order of game start prints to have more important information earlier in the logs
  • Added some extra error handling to JSON converter types
  • Reworked the compound names in translateable strings to allow overriding the default text, required by some languages to make sentences including compound names more natural.
  • Game languages list is now loaded just once instead of always when opening the options menu
  • Percentage values now use the translation system
  • Freebuilding label in the MP bar now reacts to language change
  • Updated translations
  • Updated the used automatic checking tools version, added more documentation for developers regarding CI usage
  • Added a helper script to reset current localizations from the master branch, hopefully useful to developers to resolve translation merge conflicts
  • Added a helper script to build list of changed files locally, useful for people who haven't setup pre-commit to have faster automatic code checking
  • Added helper script to clean out local Godot version, as it's known to automatically break
  • Changes to our code style document and additional automatic checks to enforce these rules