Dependency Updates
scala to 2.11.8, drop 2.12.0-M2
scalaz to 7.1.7
scalaz-stream to 0.8
scodec-bits to 1.0.12
netty to 4.0.36.Final
Test dependency updates:
specs2 to 3.6.6
scalacheck to 1.13.0
Build updates:
sbt to 0.13.11
Dependency Updates
scala to 2.11.8, drop 2.12.0-M2
scalaz to 7.1.7
scalaz-stream to 0.8
scodec-bits to 1.0.12
netty to 4.0.36.Final
Test dependency updates:
specs2 to 3.6.6
scalacheck to 1.13.0
Build updates:
sbt to 0.13.11