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Kal Chikhou edited this page Nov 24, 2022 · 25 revisions

Note: EE does not come with any pre-configured deposits, and therefore creation of materials should be completely done by the modpack developer from scratch.

  • Locate the emendatusenigmatica\deposit config folder inside the root config folder.
  • Create a *.json file inside this folder for each deposit you wish to add to the game.
  • You can create multiple deposits for the same material with different generation options.

Below you will find a more detailed break down of the Deposit Data object, and a brief explanation of each data field. An example of a complete strata file can be found here.

Deposit Core module:

"type": "string"
  • [* Required]

Determines the type of the deposit. At the moment, there are 3 available deposit types "emendatusenigmatica:vanilla_deposit", "emendatusenigmatica:sphere_deposit", and "emendatusenigmatica:geode_deposit", with more deposits planned for future updates.

example: "type": "emendatusenigmatica:geode_deposit"

"dimension": "string" - [* Required]

Identifies in which dimension should this deposit generation take effect. You can obtain the dimension resource location in-game by using /execute in and a list of dimension resource locations will be available for you.

example: "dimension": "minecraft:the_end"

"biomes": ["string"]

A list object which contains a list of strings of which biomes (both vanilla, and modded) should this deposit generation occur. You can leave the list empty and it will flag all the biomes of that deposit's dimension as whitelisted.

example: "biomes": ["minecraft:dark_forest", "minecraft:plains", "minecraft:savanna"]

"registryName": "string" - [* Required]

Used for registry of the ore generation features, and should be a unique identifier for each deposit.

example: "registryName": "vanilla_nether_uranium_deposit"

"config": { json object }

This json object houses the deposit configuration, and based on the type of the deposit provided, one of the following modules should be used;

Vanilla Deposit Config module:

"material": "string" or "block": "string" - [* Required]

Determines the material/block that should be used by this deposit for ore generation. The usage of block is beneficial for when you want to generate a specific block in the world, like a custom stone for example. If the field is set to material, then the value should be the id of a material file. Otherwise, the field should be set to block and its value should be he Resource Location of a block.

example: "material": "zinc" or "block": "minecraft:diamond_block"

"fillerTypes": ["string"] - [* Required]

A list object which contains a list of strings of Strata entries. This field takes a list of strata ids as a value.

example: "fillerTypes": ["minecraft_stone", "minecraft_granite", "minecraft_deepslate"]

"chance": integer - [* Required]

Determines the chance per chunk of the feature.

example: "chance": 10

"size": integer - [* Required]

Determines the size of the feature.

example: "size": 16

"minYLevel": integer - [* Required]

Determines the minimum Y level in which this feature can generate.

example: "minYLevel": 24

"maxYLevel": integer - [* Required]

Determines the maximum Y level in which this feature can generate.

example: "maxYLevel": 128

"placement": "string"

Determines the placement type of this feature.

Options: uniform is evenly distributed across the height range, while triangle favors the middle of the range.

example: "placement": "uniform"

"rarity": "string"

Determines the general rarity of this feature's occurrence.

Options: common and rare.

example: "rarity": "common"

Sphere Deposit Config module:

"blocks": [{objects}] - [* Required]

A list of objects which contains the material, tag, or block of the feature, and the weight of each object. A Sphere deposit can have an unlimited number of blocks objects.

  • "material" This field takes the material id as a value.
  • "block" This field takes the Resource Location of a block as a value.
  • "tag" This field takes a forge tag string as a value. (i.e. "forge:ores/aluminum")
  • "weight" This field takes a numerical value which determines how likely this block object is to generate over other block objects in the same feature.

example: "blocks": [{"material": "iron", "weight": 10}, {"tag": "forge:ores/gold", "weight": 3}, {"block": "minecraft:diamond_block", "weight": 1}]

"fillerTypes": ["string"] - [* Required]

A list object which contains a list of strings of Strata entries. This field takes a list of strata ids as a value.

example: "fillerTypes": ["minecraft_stone", "minecraft_granite", "minecraft_deepslate"]

"chance": integer - [* Required]

Determines the chance per chunk of the feature.

example: "chance": 10

"radius": integer - [* Required]

Determines the radius of the sphere feature.

example: "radius": 6

"minYLevel": integer - [* Required]

Determines the minimum Y level in which this feature can generate.

example: "minYLevel": 24

"maxYLevel": integer - [* Required]

Determines the maximum Y level in which this feature can generate.

example: "maxYLevel": 128

Geode Deposit Config module:

"outerShellBlocks": [{objects}], "innerShellBlocks": [{objects}], "innerBlocks": [{objects}], and "fillBlocks": [{objects}] - [* Required]

A list of objects which contains the material, tag, or block of the feature, and the weight of each object. A geode deposit can have an unlimited number of blocks objects.

To generate a hollow geode, fillBlocks can be set to "minecraft:air"

  • "material" This field takes the material id as a value.
  • "block" This field takes the Resource Location of a block as a value.
  • "tag" This field takes a forge tag string as a value. (i.e. "forge:ores/aluminum")
  • "weight" This field takes a numerical value which determines how likely this block object is to generate over other block objects in the same feature.


"outerShellBlocks": [{"material": "iron", "weight": 10}, {"tag": "forge:ores/gold", "weight": 3}]

"innerShellBlocks": [{"material": "iridium", "weight": 5}, {"block": "minecraft:redstone_block", "weight": 2}]

"innerBlocks": [{"tag": "forge:storage_blocks/raw_uranium", "weight": 7}, {"material": "sulfur", "weight": 3}]

"fillBlocks": [{"block": "minecraft:air", "weight": 10}]

"fillerTypes": ["string"] - [* Required]

A list object which contains a list of strings of Strata entries. This field takes a list of strata ids as a value.

example: "fillerTypes": ["minecraft_stone", "minecraft_granite", "minecraft_deepslate"]

"chance": integer - [* Required]

Determines the chance per chunk of the feature.

example: "chance": 10

"radius": integer - [* Required]

Determines the radius of the geode feature.

example: "radius": 6

"minYLevel": integer - [* Required]

Determines the minimum Y level in which this feature can generate.

example: "minYLevel": 24

"maxYLevel": integer - [* Required]

Determines the maximum Y level in which this feature can generate.

example: "maxYLevel": 128

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