RoamWonder ( the Short of "Roaming in Wonderland" ) is the pseudonym of a couple who living in Guangzhou, China.
RoamWonder are Independent Photographers, Typesetters, and **Programers**😊.
We hope no matter what we are doing can give us and others the feeling of "Roaming in Wonderland" ( In other words, We want to make jobs perfect ).
Contact us:
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- Weibo: @RoamWonder
- WeChat Offical Account: roamwonder
- E-Mail: [email protected] OR [email protected]
Record the summary of books read and share with anybody who need it...
Most of time "this" indicate talking about this "Reading Summary", and "the" indicate talking about the books which been summary.😃...
- Books are classify and summary first in Field as Chapter ( in GitBook will be Folder ) and then in Author as Section ( in GitBook will be File ).
The summary will write in English no matter the books are published in which language.
For the English is not RoamWonder's mother tongue, there will be some uncorrect syntax or vocabulary, I hope you can assist me with Contributing. Thank you so much...
- Read by RoamWonder: All the books summarized in this "Reading Summary" had been read by RoamWonder. Some are read in English version, but most of them are read in Chinese version.
- Books in these Fileds:
- Photography: Include almost every filed about photography: Shooting, Lighting, Prepress, Press, etc.
- Typesetting: Include MicroSoft Word, MarkDown, TeX, InDesign, Illustrator, etc.
- IT: Include Computer Philosophy, Algorithm, Program Language (Such as: C/CPP, Java ,Python, JavaScript), Distribute System & Infrastructure ( Cloud Computing, Internet Of Things, Big Data, SOA ) and Mathematic1.
- History: So mess books here.
- Mostly is No, all this summarized is write in or collect from the books, but RoamWoder Abstract and Thin the books. But, In another way, this summary represented the Keypoints and Logic in the books with RoamWonder's Knowledge
- Reader can read Quickly and get a Different Understand.
Maybe, or we hope this will continue updating before we dead😆...
- Italic: Important
- Bold: Important
- Bold & Italic: Most Important
: A Tool or a CommandReference: Use in two way
- Answer under a question
- Directly reference
When the book is equal or higher than "Four Stars⭐⭐⭐⭐", RoamWonder thought it would worth you pay some attention to it.
And, most of books summarized here those equal or higher than "Four Stars⭐⭐⭐⭐".
- One Star⭐: At any time, it is not recommend you buy or read.
- Two Stars⭐⭐: It is not good. En, sometimes may guide you to the wrong way ( Be Carefully 😟 ), but if you are rich or have many time to waste, buy or read it.
- Three Stars⭐⭐⭐: It is a book. Sometimes, it would be useful.
- Four Stars⭐⭐⭐⭐: It is a good book.
- Five Stars⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐: Very good, it is strongly recommend you buy or read. It is outstanding than most books in the same area. And it will give you a different perspective.
- Beyond Five Stars⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐🌟: It is a milestone, a lighthouse. If you are working or interesting in the field, you should buy or read it in no doubt. It will higher your level, at least make you pompous 😉.
This summary will be published both in GitHub and GitBook.
See the License Page
Yeah, We are not good at Mathematic, so, let it be here. ↩