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Full-Stack website designed to allow the user to peruse and purchase products available from Blindside Brewing, which are stored in the Django database.

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Blindside-Brewing Site

This Full-Stack site is designed to allow the user to peruse and purchase products available form Blindside Brewing that are stored in the Django database. In the cart section the of the site, the user is able to create, locate, display, edit and delete items in the cart in line with CRUD functionality. The user needs to be registered and logged in, in order to advance to the checkout page of the site where card details can be entered and payments made using STRIPE.

The site is easy to use and allows the authenticated user a range of options including the ability to send an email to the site owner using the contact form and view and update their own profile. The user can leave a review for each product and view reviews left by other users.

The purpose of the site is to ultimately to sell Blindside Brewing products and make the user experience as easy and pleasurable as possible.

The link for the app is:

The link for the Github repository is:


In order to make the user experience as easy and enjoyable as possible I opted for a simple looking site that is easy to navigate using the navigation bar buttons Shop, Register, Log In and Cart for the unathenticated user and Shop, Contact, Profile, Log Out and Cart for the authenticated user. Django provides a useful notification bar below the Navbar that alerts the user to when an action such as logging in or out is successful.

There is a search bar below the Navbar that the user can type in any word to search the products currently available. Each of the Blindside Brewing logos in the header and the footer act as links to the homepage and there are active links to Blindside Brewings Facebook, Twitter and Instagram pages in the footer.

The user must be registered and logged in in order to make an actual purchase on the site. To register the user needs to complete the registration form on the registration page which requests a Username, Email address, Password and Password confirmation. The user also must confirm that they are over the legal drinking age by checking the Yes button. Once this is checked the Create Account button becomes live allowing the user to continue on the Shop / homepage provided the rest of the form is completed correctly.

If the user wishes to add a product to their shopping cart they can do so by selecting the quantity field in the individual product paneland either using the up / down arrows or inputing a number and pressing the Add button. This will add the specified quantity to the cart the total items is visually displayed on the cart icon in the navbar. The user can then select the Cart page that diplays the selected products, quantities and total price. The user can adjust the quantity in the quantity field and pressing the Amend button. If the value is set to zero the specified product will be deleted from the cart. If the user is happy with the products and quantities in their cart, they can proceed to the Checkout page using the Checkout button. Here the chosen products and total price are shown. The user can input their card payment details and in the Payment Details fields provided. then press the Submit Payment button. Provided the payment is successful the user will be redirected to the hompage and a green notification banner will be diplayed telling the user that they have successfully paid.

The original concepts for the web-app pages can be seen in the supporting_docs folder under blindside_brewing_database_schema.png, wireframe1_product_page.png, wireframe2_login_page.png, wireframe3_register_page.png, wireframe4_cart_page.png and wireframe5_checkout_page.png. These were created in Balsamiq. There are numerous changes since these wireframes, mainly due to learning more about the capabilities of Python and Django. There is also a database scehma showing the original idea for the project.

The site is aimed at users who have an interest in craft beers and it is hope that the success of the company will increase by having an online facility for customers to purchase their products.


Existing Features

The choice of features, links and buttons available to the user are:

  • Nav Bar – Contains Blindside Brewing logo that is also a homepage link. The Navbar is designed to dissapear when the user scrolls down and reappear wehn the user scrolls up. This is a defensive mobile first design that allows a better view of the actual page (e.g. Shop page) on smaller screens.

  • Unauthorised User Nav Bar – Contains Blindside Brewing logo that is also a homepage link. The Navbar links available to the unauthorised user are Shop, Register, Login and Cart. This is a limmited range of links that allows the the user to peruse the available products, but mainly directs the user towards either logging via the Login page or registering via the Registration page. The links are hilighted and pulse when they are hovered on to make it clear to the user that they are links. Also, the current page that the user is on is highlighted in the Navbar for ease of navigation.

  • Authorised User Nav Bar – Contains Blindside Brewing logo that is also a homepage link. The Navbar links available to the authorised user are Shop, Contact, Profile, Log Out and Cart. These links are designed to allow the user thorough interaction with the site and communication with the site owner. The links are hilighted and pulse when they are hovered on to make it clear to the user that they are links. Also, the current page that the user is on is highlighted in the Navbar for ease of navigation.

  • Side Nav Bar – This becomes available on smaller screen types and is present in the form of the radio style menu icon in the top right corner of the Navbar. Once the icon is clicked the Side Navbar presents itself with all the links that are hidden in smaller view dependant on the users authorisation status that direct the user to the specified page. The links are highlighted and pulse when hovered on to make it clear to the user that they are links. The Navbar is designed to dissapear when the user scrolls down and reappear wehn the user scrolls up. This is a defensive mobile first design that allows a better view of the actual page (e.g. Shop page) on smaller screens.

  • Mission Statement – This paragraph located below the Navbar on larger screen resolutions gives a brief synopsis of Blindside Brewing. What they do and when they began.

  • Search Bar – The Search bar is available on all pages for the user to search for a specific beer by name. This has been included, as it is expected that eventually there will be a vast amount of products on the site.

  • Individual Product Panels – Each individual product has its own panel, inwhich the information stored in the database is presented for each specific product (e.g. Name, Description, Info, Blurb, Size, Alcohol, Price and Image). The user can input the quantity they require for each product and press the Add button, to add items to the Cart.

  • Footer – The Footer is defensively designed to show only the active social links (Facebook, Twitter and Instagram) on smaller screen sizes. The larger screen resolutions show another homepage Blindside Brewing logo link and the Copyright info. The background for the fixed footer was left opaque, as again this allows the user to view more of the page and use more of the input fields on smaller resolutions.

  • Success Message Bar – When the user performs an action that requires confirmation, such as logging in or out, or sending a message via the contact form, a green notification banner will appear below the Navbar to tell the user that the operation was successfull.

  • Register Page – The registration page allows the user to register with the site by providing a username, email address, password and password confirmation. They will also need to confirm that they are over the legal drinking age by checking the Yes radio button, which in turn activates the Create Account button. If the user already has an account, they can use the Sign In link at the top of the page.

  • Login Page – The Login page provides the user with a form where they can login using their username or email and password. There is a link for the user if they have forgotten their password that takes them to the Django Password reset page. On this page the user inputs their email address and an email is then sent to them allowing them to reset their password and then login to the site. There is also a Don't have an account? link that takes the user to the registration page.

  • Cart Page – If there are no items in the Cart and the user selects the Cart page, they will be presented with a message saying 'No items in your cart' and a Continue Shopping button that redirects back to the Shop page. If the user has items in thir cart they will be displayed in the Cart page along with the options to Amend the quantity, Checkout, or Continue Shoppping. The total of the users cart is shown. If the user amends a products quantity to zero, the item will be removed from the cart. Once an item is added to the cart the total quantity is displayed on the Cart icon in the Navbar. If the user is not authorised and selects the Checkout button, they will be redirected to the Login page.

  • Contact Page – The Contact page allows the user to send a message to the site owner by completing the form that requests the users email and message. This is forwarded directly to the site owner and the user is notified by a green notification success message banner.

  • Profile Page – The Profile page allows the registered user to insert their name and address credentials, in order that these details can be prepopulated within the Users Checkout Form.

  • User Review for a specified product page – Within each individual product panel is an option to view the Reviews. Once the link is clicked, the user will be taken to the user_ratings page that lists all of the previous reviews about that specific product. These reviews display the Name (if user is registered, their Username); Review of the selected product; Rating out of five; Date / Time of review.

  • Add User Review for a specified product page – On this page the User has the choice of three fields. If the user is registered and logged in, the 'Name' field is pre-populated with the uername of the User. Once the Review and Rating fields are complete and submitted, the User's review will be saved to the database and presented in the Reviews page.

  • Logout Navbar Button – If pressed the user will be logged out from the site and all items in the cart will dissapear, as the user is taken back to the unathorised user homepage. The user is notified by a green notification success message banner that they have successfully logged out.

Features left to implement

  • Star rating for reveiws on Homepage next to product. Due to time constraints this was not done.

  • Blog for users to share stories and experiences of the products sold.

  • Search function not returning anything when no items match. Need to Update to show message (e.g. No Products match your search).

  • If no product reviews have been left, need to add a statement saying 'Please be the first to review this product'.

  • Add more products.

  • Write more tests in files for each individual app.

  • 404 Errors required for instances where usher visits an unavailable page

  • Due to time constraint it was not possible to implement the functionality to have the Users Profile info automatically update the Checkout Form relating to the users address details. This is a work in progress.

  • Contact form should automatically update with Users email.

Technologies Used

The languages, frameworks, libraries and other tools utilised for building this web-app are:

  • Gitpod - Gitpod is a cloud-based integrated development environment (IDE) that has been used to write, run, and debug the code used for the web-app.

  • GitHub - GitHub has been used for version control of the code by using Git functions in the control panel. Github was utilised frequently during the development of the web-app.

  • Heroku - This is a cloud based application platform that allows deployment of an application to the web and connection to the database.

  • SQlite3 - SQLite is a C-language library that implements a small, fast, self-contained, high-reliability, full-featured, SQL database engine. SQLite is the most used database engine in the world.

  • PostgreSQL - PostgreSQL is a powerful, open source object-relational database system.

  • Django 1.11.29 - Django is a high-level Python Web framework that encourages rapid development and clean, pragmatic design.

  • Travis CI 4.3.0 - Built to integrate with GitHub and Heroku. Using OAuth for authentication. Travis syncs users permissions to the repositories you want them to have access to. Allowing greater control over security and to scale out your build infrastructure as needed.

  • AWS S3 - Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) is an object storage service that offers industry-leading scalability, data availability, security, and performance.

  • Balsamiq - fUsed for design of ireframes.

Front-End Technologies

  • HTML 5 - The web-app uses HTML5 as a fundamental basis for building the web-app. Where possible semantic HTML is used to give the user a better understanding.

  • CSS3 - The web-app uses CSS3 for styling of elements within the website. It is linked from the page to the style.css file.

  • Bootstrap 3.7.7 - The open-source Bootstrap framework has been used to implement the layout of the site. Bootstrap is also utilised to accommodate the responsive and mobile first design of the dashboard.

  • Django-forms-bootstrap 3.1.0 - A simple bootstrap filter for Django forms. Extracted from the bootstrap theme.

  • JavaScript - The web-app uses Javascript to provide dynamic interactivity, as it is a full-fledged versatile programming language.

  • jQuery - The web-app uses jQuery, as it simplifies a lot of complicated tasks from JavaScript, such as AJAX calls and DOM manipulation.

  • Google Fonts- The dashboard uses Google fonts to accentuate certain text.

Back-End Technologies

  • Python 3.1 - Python emphasises readability, uses English keywords and is highly extensible. The core language itself is quite small, and it is easy to learn for brginners.

  • Gunicorn 20.0.4 - Gunicorn ‘Green Unicorn’ is a Python WSGI HTTP Server for UNIX. The Gunicorn server is broadly compatible with various web frameworks, simply implemented, light on server resources, and fairly speedy.

  • Pillow 4.3.0 - The Python Imaging Library adds image processing capabilities to your Python interpreter. This library provides extensive file format support, an efficient internal representation, and fairly powerful image processing capabilities.

  • Psycopg2 2.8.5 - Psycopg is the most popular PostgreSQL database adapter for the Python programming language. Its main features are the complete implementation of the Python DB API 2.0 specification and the thread safety.

  • boto3 1.14.5 - Boto is the Amazon Web Services (AWS) SDK for Python. It enables Python developers to create, configure, and manage AWS services, such as EC2 and S3.

  • Jinja - This is a modern and designer-friendly templating language for Python. It is fast, widely used and secure with the optional sandboxed template execution environment.

  • Stripe 2.46.0 - Checkout creates a secure, Stripe-hosted payment page that lets you collect payments quickly. It works across devices and is designed to increase conversion. Checkout makes it easy to build a first-class payments experience.


The main basic functions of the site that required rigorous testing in different scenarios are listed below.

  • Navbar

    • All Navbar links are coded within the base.html that extends to each html page. The logo is a home link that has been tested form each page and each link (e.g. Shop; Register; Login; Cart; Contact; Profile; Logout) works correctly accross all devices and screen resolutions. Each link directs the user to the relevant page and the Logout button logs the user out of the site.
  • Footer

    • All Footer links ar ecoded within the base.html that extends to each html page. The Footer Logo links back to the homepage that works from each page. The Footer Social Links of Facebook, Twiterand Instagram have all been extensively tested to redirect the user to the relevant Blindside Social Media page.
  • Search Bar

    • The Search bar is used to search all available products on the homepage. The search bar is available beneath the header on each individual page. The search bar returns items that are related to the search string, otherwise no items will be returned. This function works correctly.
  • Product Panel

    • Each product panel shows all information related to the individual product, the majority of which is stored in the database. Products can be added or deleted by a SuperUser in the admin panel. The attributes for each product displayed in each product panel are Name, Description, Info, Blurb, Size, Alcohol, Price and Image. All of these attributes have been tested and work correctly. In Products/ there is a test configured to test the product name, which works as expected.
  • Review Link

    • Within each product panel their is a link to the User reviews page. This directs the user to a page that shows the customer reviews for that specific product. This function has extensively tested and returns all the user reviews and ratings in chronological order.
  • User Reviews / Ratings Page

    • Each Customer review returns the Name, Review, Rating out of 5 and the Date. All of these fields are stored in the Django database and linked to the individual product by the Foreign Key and Primary Key. The Product.ID label is required for the function to work, but is hidden from view, as it displays the relevant number ID associated with the particular product. The functionality for this feature works as expected.
  • Add a Review / Rating Page

    • The Add a review link takes the user to the page where a review and reatin can be inserted in to the database. If the user is logged in the Name field will be automatically populated with the users username, if not this will be blank and can be filled in. The review field s for the user to insert their thoughts of the product. The rating allows the user to score the individual product between 1 and 5. All of these fields are stored in the Django database and linked to the individual product by the Foreign Key and Primary Key. To test the funcionality of this feature extensive print statements were added to the create_an_item function that checked that the form was valid and if so saved utilising Django's 'The Save() Method'.
  • Quantity Denominator Field

    • This field inserts a selected number of each individual product into the Cart. Validation of this can be seen when the user presses the Add button and the number quantity of items can be seen in the Cart Icon in the Navbar. This is the case on larger resolution screens, but not for smaller resolutions where the Cart Menu Icon is not immediately available. Once the user views the Cart page. all of the selected items will be shown with their aquired quantity.
  • Registration Form

    • In the Registration Page the user can set up an account by inserting a Username, Email Address, Password and Password Confirmation. The form automatically cross checks the the validity of the Email Address and Password Confirmation. There is an optional link for the user to Sign In if they already have an account.
  • Registration - Legal Age Checker

    • A JavaScript Event Listener is used to disable the Create Account button, until the User confirms that they are of a legal drinking age. This is doen by clicking the Yes radio button that in turn enables the Create Account button and allows the user to proceed and access all of the features available for an authenticated user. This function has been extensively tested.
  • Login Page

    • A user who has already registered can log in to the site via the Log in Navbar menu item. This page authenticates the user against those stored in the database. A verified user will be logged in otherwise the relevant errors will be presented. There is a Forgotten password link and a link ofor a user who is not registered.
  • Password Reset Page

    • if a user has prevbiously registered to the site they can insert their email address into the field and reset their password. An email is sent via to the users email address. This functionality has been tested utilising multiple email addresses. The link in the email allows the user to create a new password and confirm. Once completed the user is directed back to the Login Page where they are able to login with thier email address or user name and password.This function has been rigorously tested.
  • Cart Page

    • The Cart page displays the products that the user has selected to purchase and the total shopping price (This is in the currency of Euros, as the site is intended for European distribution). The user can amend the quantity of the products to be purchased using the Qty field. If the user reduces this to zero and presses the Amend button, the product will be deleted from their cart. This function has been extensively tested. The 'Total' figure has been calculated by the ID's and quantities of each product within the /cart/ and has been tested repeatidly. The Checkout button directs the usher to the Checkout page and the Continue Shopping button takes the user back to the Homepage with their pre-requested items still in the Cart.
  • Profile Page - Form

    • This form allows the usher to update their credentials (e.g. Name, Phone Number, Country and Address). This information will be stored under the 'User Profile' information in the Django database and can be utilised to pre-populate fields in the Checkout page. The Date field is hidden from the user in the html page using a widget, so the user does not overtype the date and time.
  • Checkout Page

    • The Checkout page displays the products that the user has selected to purchase, their related quantities and prices, and the total shopping price. These elements have been tested and return the correct figures.
  • Checkout - Payment Details Form

    • The Checkout Payment Details form is directly linked to the Stripe payment API and allows the user to input their Name, Phone and Address details (if the user has already registered their Profile details, these fields will be prepopulated).
  • Checkout - Payment Card Info Form

    • The user is able to input their Credit card information to purchase the selected quantities of products. This function has only been tested using Stripes dummy card information that consists of Credit card number 4242424242424242; Security Code 123; Month A month in advance of current month; Year a year in advance of the current year. This functionality has been tested and can be checked in the /admin/home/checkout/orders/ section of the Admin panel. These payments are also visible on the page. This confirms all the payments that have been passed through the system. The payment will not submit through the Submit Payment button if the card information is incorrect.
  • Checkout - Submit Payment Button

    • Submits the Payment and returns the user to the Homepage with the Django success banner 'You have successfully paid'. If payment is not successful, the user will be not leave the Checkout page.
  • Contact Page

    • The Contact page allows the user to email the site host through the host server. The user can input their email address and a message that will be sent directly to the email adress of the site owener. The format of the email received by the owner of the site is as follows: From field will display 'Blindside Brewing' followed by the email address of the sender. The site host can respond to the user with the information given. The message itself is displayed in the correct field in the email received. The setup of the does not allow usual email formatting, therefore this method must be utilised. An attempt was made to utilise 'sendEMAIL.js', but the same email formatting issues were apparent, with the exception that a link to reply to the senders email is at the bottom of the email. There was a limit on the amount of emails that could be sent through the system server that ultimately aided in the decision to not use this method.
  • Travis CI 4.3.0

    • Travis is utilised through the .travis.yml file to check the integrity of the code. Travis hooks up to Github and Heroku and allows the site owner to view detailed information on intricate production and backend information associated with the site. Any build errors will not pass and the resultant details will be sent to the site owner via email and displayed in the relevant Github page as build:failed.
  • AWS S3

    • The AWS S3 allows access to stored files within the site owners AWS bucket that are shared through the users AWS account. The accompanying AWS info is linked through the relavant AWS info in the file. The testing of this functionality is shown in the availability of the stored data in the post prodution database andsite.
  • Responsive / Mobile First design

    • Each page of the web-site has a Header; Main Section and Footer. These needed to display correctly accross all devices and screen resolutions. primarily checks are required to ensure that the site collapses in to columns in mobile view and that the information is presented in a clear and legible fashion.
    • Various methods of testing have been carried out to test the code of the web-site. Continuous testing throughout the development has been implemented to check the quality of the code. The aim is to check the functionality of the code on different devices (mobile, tablet, desktop) with an overall perspective of responsive and mobile first design. The site has been viewed and tested in Firefox, Safari, Chrome Microsoft Edge and Explorer. The devices used to test the site are iPhone 5/SE, Samsung Galaxy, iPad, iPad Pro iPhone X, iPhone 6/7/8, Pixel 2, Pixel 2 XL , Hudle2 and Samsung / Lenovo / HP laptop.
  • W3 Nu Html Checker

    • All .html files require validation through the online checker. This ensures that the code is more legible and does not contain formatting errors.
  • W3C CSS Validator

  • PEP8 Online

    • The Python (.py) pages require validation through the online checker. This ensures that the code is more legible and does not contain formatting errors.

The final database schema and desktop wireframes for the web-app can be seen in the supporting_docs folder under blindside_brewing_database_schema.png, wireframe1_product_page.png, wireframe2_ Login_page.png, wireframe3_ register_page.png, wireframe4_ cart_page.png and wireframe5_ checkout_page.png. These wireframes and database schema were used initially to plan the site and build around. The opinions of numerous people including my mentor, friends, tutors, chat forums and such like, whom were asked during various stages of the project.

Issue List

Issue Description Solution
1 Import on Line 17 of showing ' module level import not at top of file' in PEP8 check. This import is set up for use in the For Loop, so is left as is
2 Line 108 in showing as too long in PEP8 check Line cannot be shortened, so left in situ
3 Postgres Database crashed and could not submit new products Reset Data base in Heroku
4 Uncaught ReferenceError: showTopNav is not defined This error is related to the Javascript in base.html that removes the TopNav bar when th euser scrolls down. This has been left, as seems to work as intended
5 Review message field on create review page should be Textarea Am unable to change this using a widget. Tried numerous times.
6 The form fields such as Quantity are overlapping the Footer probably due to Z-Index I have opaqued the Footer, as I like the look of this and the user can see more of the page
7 Travis CI not accepting Pillow 7.1.1 Reinstalled Pillow 4.3.0
8 When checking search bar borders in each screen resolution, they appear to sometimes disappear randomly Have checked on actual devices and this is not the case
9 Need to insert a message if the search from the search bar returns nothing (e.g. No Products match your search) Did not have time to implement
10 Needed to validate Python (.py files) for debugging purposes Utilised PEP8 online checker. All code successfully updated and passed except see above Issue 1 and 2
11 Needed to validate CSS (custom.css) for debugging purposes Utilised jigsaw.w3 online checker. All code successfully updated and passed
12 Needed to validate HTML (.html files) for debugging purposes Utilised validator.w3 online checker. All code successfully updated and passed except items relating to Jinja Template that cause errors. Also see issue below
13 Error: Element legend not allowed as child of element form in this context. (Suppressing further errors from this subtree.) Unable to correct this error, as this was given text
14 Is HTML semantic and self explanatory Added further comments to html files
15 Needed to validate Javascript for debugging purposes Utilised JSHint online checker. All code successfully updated and passed
16 Field sizes need reviewing for most forms Due to time restraints did not get to review these
17 404 Errors required for instances where usher visits an unavailable page Due to time restraints did not get to review these
18 Insufficient time to implement User Profile function that automatically updates the Checkout name and address details Due to time restraints did not get to implement this
19 Contact form does not automatically update with users email Due to time restraints did not get to implement this


The web-site is designed in the Gitpod environment and regularly committed to GitHub after each crucial piece of coding. Using this method as a sanity check for the development enabled me to restore the site back to previous stages when it functioned correctly or easily find lost pieces of code.

To deploy the project to Github the following steps were taken:

  1. created a master branch in Github repository
  2. Used Local AWS Cloud9 and Gitpod environment used to build the site
  3. Committed files to the staging area using bash terminal commands: git status; git add (specify directory); git commit -m"add message"
  4. Pushed files to the working environment using git push, which then updates the repository.
  5. Published site from master branch using settings tab in the main page of the repository, select source as master branch, then save
  6. The repository can be cloned by clicking Clone or Download on the main page of the repository
  7. In the Clone with HTTPs section, click the clipboard icon to copy the clone URL for the repository
  8. Open Git Bash Terminal
  9. Type git clone, and then paste the URL
  10. Press Enter. A local clone will be created.

To set gitignore environment variables the following steps were taken:

  1. Create a file named in the root directory of your project. This is the file you will use to define your environment variables.
  2. If you don't have one already, create a file named .gitignore in the root directory of your project.
  3. Next we need to stop git from pushing this file to github, and so keep your environment variables secret. To do this, open your .gitignore file add the following text:
  4. At the top of your file, you need to import os so that you can set the environment variables in the operating system. Once you have added the line “import os” underneath you can assign your environment variables using the following syntax:
    os.environ["Variable Name Here"] = "Value of Variable Goes Here"
  5. Then the following code imports this new file where you need to use your environment variables. For example your file for flask project. Add this under your other imports at the top of the file
    from os import path if path.exists(""): import env
  6. Now that your environment variables have been set in your file, and the file has been imported into your project, you can use them as needed, for example using the following syntax:
    DATABASES = {'ENGINE': 'django.db.backends.sqlite3', 'NAME': os.path.join(BASE_DIR, 'db.sqlite3'),}

To deploy the project to Heroku the following steps were taken:

  1. created a Heroku account @
  2. Create requirements.txt file in Gitpod workspace for Heroku to understand installation files to run app. From CLI type type pip3 freeze --local > requirements.txt.
  3. To install the Heroku command line on Gitpod, use the following command npm install -g heroku
  4. Using the New buton, Create a new app with apropriate title and server in Heroku. This creates a connection between the Gitpod application and Heroku that would allow us to push our changes using Git to update the application at any given time.
  5. To login to Heroku from the CLI, use the command heroku login
  6. To get the application up and running a Procfile is required that istructs Heroku which file is the entry point. Use the following command to create this: echo web: python
  7. Code that is prepared to be pushed from Github to Heroku can be executed following the CLI commands: git add . git commit -m "fist Heroku commit" git push
  8. Now that the relevant code is pushed to Github, it can also be pushed to Heroku from the chosen branch (e.g. Master)
  9. To connect an existing repository from Github to Heroku use the following CLI syntax: heroku git:remote -a [followed by name of Heroku app]
  10. To push to Heroku Master Branch, then simply use git push heroku master
  11. To scale dynos and run the app in Heroku, use the CLI command: heroku ps:scale web=1
  12. In order for the server instance on Heroku to know how to run our application, we need to specify a few Config Vars in Heroku. To do this go to Settings tab > Config Variables and input: AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID; AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY; DATABASE_URL; DISABLE_COLLECTSTATIC; EMAIL_ADDRESS; EMAIL_PASSWORD EMAIL_PASSWORD; SECRET_KEY; STRIPE_PUBLISHABLE; STRIPE_SECRET.
  13. The following syntax will need to be added to your file to access the SECRET KEY for the new database URL DATABASES = {'default': dj_database_url.parse(os.environ.get('DATABASE_URL'))}
  14. The Database can then be migrated to the Heroku Postgres (postgresql) database using the the commands mmakemigrations and migrate from the command line.
  15. Once the build in Heroku is complete, click the Open app button.
  16. Objects can then be added to the new postgres database using the Admin Panel and logging in with your superuser credentials.



This file is based on the Code Institute template.


All images and logo's utilised have been displayed with the permisson of Blindside-Brewing.

Favicon – created using


I would like to thank all of the Code Insitute Tutors for there incredible patients and assitance and my mentor Anthony Ngene ( for his invaluable feedback, as supervisor for this project.


Full-Stack website designed to allow the user to peruse and purchase products available from Blindside Brewing, which are stored in the Django database.







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