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This vignette presents an example of how to use the costmodelr package. You can access all the vignettes for this package in R by typing browseVignettes("costmodelr").

You can download a template of a cost model with working code here

Package basics

The costmodelr package provides a set of utility functions for turning a set of cost assumptions into a tidy table that has one row for each cost on each date that cost is incurred.

The core output format has just five columns as follows:

date id quantity price_gbp real_or_nominal
2017-01-02 oo_0_1 4 50 real
2017-01-04 oo_0_2 2 100 real
2017-01-10 oo_0_3 1 150 real

Additional information is associated with each cost that enables final results to be filtered and cross tabulated. This can then be joined onto the core output to produce a dataframe like this:

date id quantity category_1 category_2 category_3 gdp_deflator green_book_discount cost_gbp_real cost_gbp_nominal period
2017-01-02 oo_0_1 4 a b c 1.028260 1.063935 200 205.6521 alpha
2017-01-04 oo_0_2 2 a b d 1.028373 1.064135 200 205.6747 alpha
2017-01-10 oo_0_3 1 b b d 1.028713 1.064737 150 154.3069 live

This output can be accessed from cost_model$cost_dataframe.

The categorisation columns are provided by the user and can be altered from the defaults using costmodelr::setting_categorisation_columns() or setting_append_to_categorisation_columns().

Since this output dataframe is tidy, it is easy to perform aggregations and filtering, and produce tabular and graphical output that summarises actual and forecasted costs.

Assumptions are input into the model from dataframes, typically read in from .csv files, which must be provided in a specific format. There are a number of different assumption types, such as 'one off costs', recurring costs' and 'staff costs'.

Assumption types

Key dates

The cost model should be iniitalised with 'key dates', which control the time period over which outputs will be generated.

Key dates look like this:

date period
2017-01-01 alpha
2017-01-05 beta
2017-01-10 live

In addition to a 'date' columns, any other columns in the key dates dataframe will be added to the final outputs, and therefore can be used for cross tabulation.

One off costs

One off costs are costs that occur only once. costmodelr does not need to perform complex computations on these assupmptions, and so the input is similar to the output; there is a one to one correspondence between the rows in the assumption file and output rows.

The input format is as follows:

price_in_original_currency real_or_nominal currency quantity date category_1 category_2 category_3 Description Source
50 real GBP 4 02/01/17 a b c abc x
100 real GBP 2 04/01/17 a b d acbd y
150 real GBP 1 10/01/17 b b d bbd z

The output would look as follows:

date id quantity category_1 category_2 category_3 gdp_deflator green_book_discount cost_gbp_real cost_gbp_nominal period
2017-01-02 oo_0_1 4 a b c 1.028260 1.063935 200 205.6521 alpha
2017-01-04 oo_0_2 2 a b d 1.028373 1.064135 200 205.6747 alpha
2017-01-10 oo_0_3 1 b b d 1.028713 1.064737 150 154.3069 live

Recurring costs

Allows you to model costs that happen at a given frequency. Includes options that allow costs to grow at given % and fixed rates.

The input format is as follows:

price_in_original_currency real_or_nominal currency quantity frequency first_date growth_in_cost_percent_per_annum growth_in_cost_absolute_per_annum growth_in_quantity_percent_per_annum growth_in_quantity_absolute_per_annum category_1 category_2 category_3
1000 real GBP 1 day 2017-01-01 36.87754 0 0 0.00 capital hardware cpu
1000 real GBP 2 day 2017-01-09 0.00000 0 0 365.25 capital software analysis

The output would look as follows:

date id quantity category_1 category_2 category_3 gdp_deflator green_book_discount cost_gbp_real cost_gbp_nominal period
2017-01-01 rc_0_1 1 capital hardware cpu 1.028204 1.063835 1000.000 1028.204 alpha
2017-01-02 rc_0_1 1 capital hardware cpu 1.028260 1.063935 1010.000 1038.543 alpha
2017-01-03 rc_0_1 1 capital hardware cpu 1.028317 1.064035 1020.100 1048.986 alpha
2017-01-04 rc_0_1 1 capital hardware cpu 1.028373 1.064135 1030.301 1059.534 alpha
2017-01-05 rc_0_1 1 capital hardware cpu 1.028430 1.064236 1040.604 1070.188 beta
2017-01-06 rc_0_1 1 capital hardware cpu 1.028487 1.064336 1051.010 1080.950 beta
2017-01-07 rc_0_1 1 capital hardware cpu 1.028543 1.064436 1061.520 1091.819 beta
2017-01-08 rc_0_1 1 capital hardware cpu 1.028600 1.064536 1072.135 1102.798 beta
2017-01-09 rc_0_1 1 capital hardware cpu 1.028656 1.064637 1082.857 1113.887 beta
2017-01-10 rc_0_1 1 capital hardware cpu 1.028713 1.064737 1093.685 1125.088 live
2017-01-09 rc_0_2 2 capital software analysis 1.028656 1.064637 2000.000 2057.313 beta
2017-01-10 rc_0_2 3 capital software analysis 1.028713 1.064737 3000.000 3086.139 live

Staff utilisation

Allows you to model staff costs, given assumptions of staff % utilisation on the project.

Two different sets of assumptions are needed here: % utilisation, and a ratecard.

The ratecard looks like this

price_in_original_currency real_or_nominal id currency price_frequency annual_percentage_increase category_1 category_2 category_3
20 real TA GBP working_day 0 staff technical technical architect
10 real PM GBP working_day 0 staff non technical product manager

The staff utilisation assumptions look like this:

## Warning: Duplicated column names deduplicated: 'TA' => 'TA_1' [3]
date TA TA_1 PM
2017-01-01 0.5 1 0.25
2017-01-05 1.0 1 0.25
2017-01-10 0.5 1 0.25

The output looks like this:

date id quantity category_1 category_2 category_3 gdp_deflator green_book_discount cost_gbp_real cost_gbp_nominal period
2017-01-01 su_0_TA 0.5 staff technical technical architect 1.028204 1.063835 7.142857 7.344312 alpha
2017-01-02 su_0_TA 0.5 staff technical technical architect 1.028260 1.063935 7.142857 7.344716 alpha
2017-01-03 su_0_TA 0.5 staff technical technical architect 1.028317 1.064035 7.142857 7.345120 alpha
2017-01-04 su_0_TA 0.5 staff technical technical architect 1.028373 1.064135 7.142857 7.345524 alpha
2017-01-05 su_0_TA 1.0 staff technical technical architect 1.028430 1.064236 14.285714 14.691857 beta
2017-01-06 su_0_TA 1.0 staff technical technical architect 1.028487 1.064336 14.285714 14.692665 beta
2017-01-07 su_0_TA 1.0 staff technical technical architect 1.028543 1.064436 14.285714 14.693473 beta
2017-01-08 su_0_TA 1.0 staff technical technical architect 1.028600 1.064536 14.285714 14.694281 beta
2017-01-09 su_0_TA 1.0 staff technical technical architect 1.028656 1.064637 14.285714 14.695090 beta
2017-01-10 su_0_TA 0.5 staff technical technical architect 1.028713 1.064737 7.142857 7.347949 live

(Note only the first 10 rows of the output are show. Note also costs are spread equally throughout the week, so £50 a week = ~£7.14 a day, including Sat and Sun)

User variable costs

This type of cost is to deal with costs which are proportional to the number of users.

It's possible to model both costs which are directly proportional to the number of users (e.g. each user needs a Github account), or to deal with costs which grow with the number of users (e.g. each user uses an additional 2gb of storage each month)

The input assumptions look like this:

Number of users (this will be linearly interpolated):

date num_users
2017-01-01 1
2017-01-03 1
2017-01-05 1
2017-01-06 1
2017-01-07 2

Cost assumptions:

price_in_original_currency real_or_nominal currency pricefrequency fixed_initial_quantity_per_user growth_in_cost_percent_per_annum growth_in_cost_absolute_per_annum growth_in_quantity_absolute_per_annum_per_user category_1 category_2 category_3
60 real GBP month 0 0.000 0 365.25 infrastructure storage amazon s3
30 real GBP month 0 0.000 0 730.50 infrastructure compute ec2
1 real GBP day 10 0.000 0 0.00 infrastructure accounts github
14 real GBP week 100 1383.244 0 365.25 infrastructure storate ebs

The output looks like this:

date id quantity category_1 category_2 category_3 gdp_deflator green_book_discount cost_gbp_real cost_gbp_nominal period
2017-01-01 uvc_0_1 1 infrastructure storage amazon s3 1.028204 1.063835 1.971253 2.026849 alpha
2017-01-02 uvc_0_1 2 infrastructure storage amazon s3 1.028260 1.063935 3.942505 4.053921 alpha
2017-01-03 uvc_0_1 3 infrastructure storage amazon s3 1.028317 1.064035 5.913758 6.081217 alpha
2017-01-04 uvc_0_1 4 infrastructure storage amazon s3 1.028373 1.064135 7.885010 8.108735 alpha
2017-01-05 uvc_0_1 5 infrastructure storage amazon s3 1.028430 1.064236 9.856263 10.136476 beta
2017-01-06 uvc_0_1 6 infrastructure storage amazon s3 1.028487 1.064336 11.827515 12.164440 beta
2017-01-07 uvc_0_1 8 infrastructure storage amazon s3 1.028543 1.064436 15.770020 16.220146 beta
2017-01-08 uvc_0_1 10 infrastructure storage amazon s3 1.028600 1.064536 19.712526 20.276298 beta
2017-01-09 uvc_0_1 12 infrastructure storage amazon s3 1.028656 1.064637 23.655031 24.332896 beta
2017-01-10 uvc_0_1 14 infrastructure storage amazon s3 1.028713 1.064737 27.597536 28.389940 live

(again, only the first 10 records are shown)

Running a full cost model

Running the full cost model amounts to loading in assumptions, and using the run cost model function.

# The 'key dates' file specifies the time period over which the cost model produces estimates
key_dates <- readr::read_csv("assumptions/key_dates.csv", col_types=readr::cols())

# Read in assumptions from files
users <- readr::read_csv("assumptions/users.csv", col_types=readr::cols())
staff_utilisation <- readr::read_csv("assumptions/staff_utilisation.csv", col_types=readr::cols())
rate_card <- readr::read_csv("assumptions/rate_card.csv", col_types=readr::cols())
recurring_costs <-  readr::read_csv("assumptions/recurring_cost.csv", col_types=readr::cols())
oneoff_costs <- readr::read_csv("assumptions/oneoff_costs.csv", col_types=readr::cols())
user_variable_costs <- readr::read_csv("assumptions/user_variable_costs.csv", col_types =readr::cols())

# Add each set of assumptions to model
cost_model <- create_cost_model(key_dates) %>% 
  add_oneoff_costs(oneoff_costs) %>% 
  add_recurring_cost(recurring_costs) %>%  
  add_user_variable_costs(users, user_variable_costs) %>% 
  add_staff_utilisation(staff_utilisation, rate_card)

# Run model
cost_model <- run_cost_model(cost_model)

# Extract cost dataframe from model - use this if you want to do crosstabs or filters

# Run a Shiny app to interactively explore your data

# View a hierarchical bubble chart of the model


Framework for cost modelling in R







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