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671 lines (567 loc) · 20.6 KB


Setting up GitHub webhook integration with Rocket.Chat gives you the ability to

  1. Receive event notifications from GitHub directly in your specified Rocket.Chat room (Incoming WebHook)
  2. Send commands to GitHub and optionally receive a response (Outgoing WebHook).

These events include and are not limited to:

  • Comments
  • Issues events
  • Pull Requests
  • Merge requests
  • Deployment events
  • Comments and discussions
  • Tags, label and branch actions
  • etc.

{% hint style="info" %} In configuring this integration, make sure your Rocket.Chat is publicly available on a URL. {% endhint %}

GitHub Rocket.Chat Integration

We are going to see how to create both incoming and outgoing webhook integration between Rocket.Chat and GitHub.

Rocket.Chat Incoming webhook with GitHub

To configure an incoming webhook integration between GitHub and Rocket.Chat, you need to:

  1. Create a new webhook integration on Rocket.Chat
  2. Link the GitHub repository through webhook settings

The following steps explain how to do this

Creating new GitHub webhook integration

  • Go to the Administration -> Workspace -> Integrations settings on your Rocket.Chat workspace
  • Switch to the Incoming tab and create a New Integration
  • Fill in the details of your webhook including the name of the webhook, the room to post into, the user to post as and enable it

Create new GitHub incoming webhook

  • Enable Scripts and paste any of the following example code into the Scripts box.

{% hint style="info" %} You can customize your webhook integration script to suit your desire as explained here. {% endhint %}

GitHub Example Script 1

This script will generate notifications for the following repository events:

  • Issue events (create, edit, close, reopen, assign, label, etc)
  • Issue comment events
  • Push events (singular and multiple commits)
/* exported Script */

String.prototype.capitalizeFirstLetter = function() {
    return this.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + this.slice(1);

const getLabelsField = (labels) => {
  let labelsArray = [];
  labels.forEach(function(label) {
  labelsArray = labelsArray.join(', ');
  return {
    title: 'Labels',
    value: labelsArray,
    short: labelsArray.length <= 40

const githubEvents = {
  ping(request) {
    return {
      content: {
        text: '_' + + '_\n' + ':thumbsup: ' + request.content.zen

  issues(request) {
    const user = request.content.sender;

    if (request.content.action == "opened" || request.content.action == "reopened" || request.content.action == "edited") {
        var body = request.content.issue.body;
    } else if (request.content.action == "labeled") {
        var body = "Current labels: " + getLabelsField(request.content.issue.labels).value;
    } else if (request.content.action == "assigned" || request.content.action == "unassigned") {
        // Note that the issues API only gives you one assignee.
        var body = "Current assignee: " + request.content.issue.assignee.login;
    } else if (request.content.action == "closed") {
        if (request.content.issue.closed_by) {
            var body = "Closed by: " + request.content.issue.closed_by.login;
        } else {
            var body = "Closed.";
    } else {
        return {
          error: {
            success: false,
            message: 'Unsupported issue action'

    const action = request.content.action.capitalizeFirstLetter();

    const text = '_' + request.content.repository.full_name + '_\n' +
                '**[' + action + ' issue ​#' + request.content.issue.number +
                ' - ' + request.content.issue.title + '](' +
                request.content.issue.html_url + ')**\n\n' +

    return {
      content: {
        attachments: [
                thumb_url: user.avatar_url,
                text: text,
                fields: []

  issue_comment(request) {
    const user = request.content.comment.user;

    if (request.content.action == "edited") {
        var action = "Edited comment ";
    } else {
        var action = "Comment "

    const text = '_' + request.content.repository.full_name + '_\n' +
                '**[' + action + ' on issue ​#' + request.content.issue.number +
                ' - ' + request.content.issue.title + '](' +
                request.content.comment.html_url + ')**\n\n' +

    return {
      content: {
        attachments: [
                thumb_url: user.avatar_url,
                text: text,
                fields: []

commit_comment(request) {
    const user = request.content.comment.user;

    if (request.content.action == "edited") {
        var action = "Edited comment ";
    } else {
        var action = "Comment "

    const text = '_' + request.content.repository.full_name + '_\n' +
                '**[' + action + ' on commit id ' + request.content.comment.commit_id +
                ' - ' +  + '](' +
                request.content.comment.html_url + ')**\n\n' +

    return {
      content: {
        attachments: [
                thumb_url: user.avatar_url,
                text: text,
                fields: []

  /* PUSH TO REPO */
  push(request) {
    var commits = request.content.commits;
    var multi_commit = ""
    var is_short = true;
    var changeset = 'Changeset';
    if ( commits.length > 1 ) {
      var multi_commit = " [Multiple Commits]";
      var is_short = false;
      var changeset = changeset + 's';
      var output = [];
    const user = request.content.sender;

    var text = '**Pushed to ' + "["+request.content.repository.full_name+"]("+request.content.repository.url+"):"
                + request.content.ref.split('/').pop() + "**\n\n";

    for (var i = 0; i < commits.length; i++) {
      var commit = commits[i];
      var shortID =,7);
      var a = '[' + shortID + '](' + commit.url + ') - ' + commit.message;
      if ( commits.length > 1 ) {
        output.push( a );
      } else {
        var output = a;

    if (commits.length > 1) {
      text += output.reverse().join('\n');
    } else {
      text += output;

    return {
      content: {
        attachments: [
                thumb_url: user.avatar_url,
                text: text,
                fields: []
  },  // End GitHub Push

  pull_request(request) {
    const user = request.content.sender;

   if (request.content.action == "opened" || request.content.action == "reopened" || request.content.action == "edited" || request.content.action == "synchronize") {
        var body = request.content.pull_request.body;
    } else if (request.content.action == "labeled") {
        var body = "Current labels: " + getLabelsField(request.content.pull_request.labels).value;
    } else if (request.content.action == "assigned" || request.content.action == "unassigned") {
        // Note that the issues API only gives you one assignee.
        var body = "Current assignee: " + request.content.pull_request.assignee.login;
    } else if (request.content.action == "closed") {
        if (request.content.pull_request.merged) {
            var body = "Merged by: " + request.content.pull_request.merged_by.login;
        } else {
            var body = "Closed.";
    } else {
        return {
          error: {
            success: false,
            message: 'Unsupported pull request action'

    const action = request.content.action.capitalizeFirstLetter();

    const text = '_' + request.content.repository.full_name + '_\n' +
                '**[' + action + ' pull request ​#' + request.content.pull_request.number +
                ' - ' + request.content.pull_request.title + '](' +
                request.content.pull_request.html_url + ')**\n\n' +

    return {
      content: {
        attachments: [
                thumb_url: user.avatar_url,
                text: text,
                fields: []

class Script {
  process_incoming_request({ request }) {
    const header = request.headers['x-github-event'];
    if (githubEvents[header]) {
      return githubEvents[header](request);

    return {
      error: {
        success: false,
        message: 'Unsupported method'
GitHub Example Script 2

This script will generate notifications for the following repository events:

  • New and closed issue events
  • Comment events (issues only)
  • Push events (singular and multiple commits)
/* exported Script */

// Begin embedded images
const gh_cmit_svg = '<svg xmlns="" aria-hidden="true" class="octicon octicon-git-commit" height="16" version="1.1" viewBox="0 0 14 16" width="14"><path d="M10.86 7c-.45-1.72-2-3-3.86-3-1.86 0-3.41 1.28-3.86 3H0v2h3.14c.45 1.72 2 3 3.86 3 1.86 0 3.41-1.28 3.86-3H14V7h-3.14zM7 10.2c-1.22 0-2.2-.98-2.2-2.2 0-1.22.98-2.2 2.2-2.2 1.22 0 2.2.98 2.2 2.2 0 1.22-.98 2.2-2.2 2.2z"></path></svg>';
const gh_pr_svg = '<svg xmlns="" aria-hidden="true" class="octicon octicon-git-pull-request" height="16" version="1.1" viewBox="0 0 12 16" width="12"><path d="M11 11.28V5c-.03-.78-.34-1.47-.94-2.06C9.46 2.35 8.78 2.03 8 2H7V0L4 3l3 3V4h1c. 1.993 0 0 0 10 15a1.993 1.993 0 0 0 1-3.72zm-1 2.92c-.66 0-1.2-.55-1.2-1.2 0-.65.55-1.2 1.2-1.2.65 0 1.2.55 1.2 1.2 0 .65-.55 1.2-1.2 1.2zM4 3c0-1.11-.89-2-2-2a1.993 1.993 0 0 0-1 3.72v6.56A1.993 1.993 0 0 0 2 15a1.993 1.993 0 0 0 1-3.72V4.72c.59-.34 1-.98 1-1.72zm-.8 10c0 .66-.55 1.2-1.2 1.2-.65 0-1.2-.55-1.2-1.2 0-.65.55-1.2 1.2-1.2.65 0 1.2.55 1.2 1.2zM2 4.2C1.34 4.2.8 3.65.8 3c0-.65.55-1.2 1.2-1.2.65 0 1.2.55 1.2 1.2 0 .65-.55 1.2-1.2 1.2z"></path></svg>';
const gh_iss_svg = '<svg xmlns="" aria-hidden="true" class="octicon octicon-issue-opened" height="16" version="1.1" viewBox="0 0 14 16" width="14"><path d="M7 2.3c3.14 0 5.7 2.56 5.7 5.7s-2.56 5.7-5.7 5.7A5.71 5.71 0 0 1 1.3 8c0-3.14 2.56-5.7 5.7-5.7zM7 1C3.14 1 0 4.14 0 8s3.14 7 7 7 7-3.14 7-7-3.14-7-7-7zm1 3H6v5h2V4zm0 6H6v2h2v-2z"></path></svg>';
const svg_inline_prefix = 'data:image/svg+xml;ascii,';
// End embedded images

const getLabelsField = (labels) => {
  let labelsArray = [];
  labels.forEach(function(label) {
  labelsArray = labelsArray.join(', ');
  return {
    title: 'Labels',
    value: labelsArray,
    short: labelsArray.length <= 40

const githubEvents = {
  ping(request) {
    return {
      content: {
        text: ':thumbsup: ' + request.content.zen

  issues(request) {
    const user = request.content.sender;
    const attachment = {
      author_icon: svg_inline_prefix + gh_iss_svg,
      author_name: '#' + request.content.issue.number + ' - ' + request.content.issue.title,
      author_link: request.content.issue.html_url,
      fields: []

    if (request.content.issue.labels) {

    if (request.content.issue.assignee) {
        title: 'Assignee',
        value: request.content.issue.assignee.login,
        short: true

    const actions = {
      'assigned': ':inbox_tray:',
      'unassigned': ':outbox_tray:',
      'opened': ':triangular_flag_on_post:',
      'closed': ':white_check_mark:',
      'reopened': ':triangular_flag_on_post:',
      'labeled': ':label:',
      'unlabeled': ':label:',
      'edited': ':pencil:'

    const text = actions[request.content.action] + ' issue';

    return {
      content: {
        icon_url: user.avatar_url,
        alias: user.login,
        text: text,
        attachments: [attachment]

  issue_comment(request) {
    const user = request.content.comment.user;
    var attachment = {
      author_icon: svg_inline_prefix + gh_iss_svg,
      author_name: '#' + request.content.issue.number + ' - ' + request.content.issue.title,
      author_link: request.content.comment.html_url,
      fields: []

    if (request.content.issue.labels) {

    if (request.content.issue.assignee) {
        title: 'Assignee',
        value: request.content.issue.assignee.login,
        short: true

    const text = ':speech_balloon: ' + request.content.comment.body;

    return {
      content: {
        icon_url: user.avatar_url,
        alias: user.login,
        text: text,
        attachments: [attachment]

  pull_request(request) {
    const user = request.content.sender;
    const attachment = {
      author_icon: svg_inline_prefix + gh_pr_svg,
      author_name: '#' + request.content.pull_request.number + ' - ' + request.content.pull_request.title,
      author_link: request.content.pull_request.html_url

    let text = 'Pull request';
    switch (request.content.action) {
      case 'assigned':
        text += ' assigned to: ' + request.content.assignee.login;
      case 'unassigned':
        text += ' unassigned of ' + request.content.assignee.login;
      case 'opened':
        text += ' opened';
      case 'closed':
        if (request.content.pull_request.merged) {
          text += ' merged';
        } else {
          text += ' closed';
      case 'reopened':
        text += ' reopened';
      case 'labeled':
        text += ' added label: "' + + '" ';
      case 'unlabeled':
        text += ' removed label: "' + + '" ';
      case 'synchronize':
        text += ' synchronized';

    return {
      content: {
        icon_url: user.avatar_url,
        alias: user.login,
        text: text,
        attachments: [attachment]

  //// GitHub push event
  push(request) {
    var commits = request.content.commits;
    var multi_commit = ""
    var is_short = true;
    var changeset = 'Changeset';
    if ( commits.length > 1 ) {
      var multi_commit = " [Multiple Commits]";
      var is_short = false;
      var changeset = changeset + 's';
      var output = [];
    const user = request.content.sender;
    const attachment = {
    author_icon: svg_inline_prefix + gh_cmit_svg,
      author_name: "Message: " + request.content.head_commit.message + multi_commit,
      fields: []

    if (request.content.repository.full_name) {
        title: 'Repo',
        value: "["+request.content.repository.full_name+"]("+request.content.repository.url+")",
        short: is_short

    for (var i = 0; i < commits.length; i++) {
      var commit = commits[i];
      var shortID =,7);
      if ( commits.length > 1 ) {
        output = '[' + shortID + '](' + commit.url + ') - ' + commit.message
        if (i == 0){
                title: changeset,
                value: output,
                short: is_short
        } else{
                title: changeset,
                value: output,
                short: is_short
      } else {
        output = "[" + shortID + "](" + commit.url + ")"
            title: changeset,
            value: output,
            short: is_short

    const text = ':ballot_box_with_check: Pushed to ' + "["+request.content.ref.split('/').pop()+"]";

    return {
      content: {
        icon_url: user.avatar_url,
        alias: user.login,
        text: text,
        attachments: [attachment]
  },  // End GitHub Push

class Script {
  process_incoming_request({ request }) {
    const header = request.headers['x-github-event'];
    if (githubEvents[header]) {
      return githubEvents[header](request);

    return {
      error: {
        success: false,
        message: 'Unsupported method'
  • Save the settings
  • The Webhook URL and Token are generated after saving
  • Copy these credentials, they will be used later

GitHub webhook url and token

GitHub Webhook Setting

After creating the new incoming webhook integration on Rocket.Chat, it is time to link it up with the GitHub repository.

  • Go to the GitHub project repository then navigate to Settings > Webhooks

  • Add webhook and fill in the URL and token you copied from the Rocket.Chat setting

  • Select the list of events you want to be notified on and Add webhook

    GitHub webhook setting

{% hint style="success" %} After successful configuration, you can test the Webhook with any event trigger and see the notification in your specified Rocket.Chat room. {% endhint %}

GitHub webhook notifications

Rocket.Chat GitHub Outgoing Webhook

{% hint style="info" %} Sending outgoing webhooks only works on public repositories {% endhint %}

  • Create a new Outgoing WebHook
  • Select the channel where you will use the commands and receive the responses
  • Set URLs as like
  • Enable Scripts
  • Use this Script to listen for commands pr ls, pr list and help
    /* exported Script */
    /* globals Store */

    class Script {
      prepare_outgoing_request({ request }) {
        let match;

        console.log('lastCmd', Store.get('lastCmd'));

        match =^pr last$/);
        if (match && Store.get('lastCmd')) {
 = Store.get('lastCmd');

        match =^pr\s(ls|list)\s*(open|closed|all)?$/);
        if (match) {
          let u = request.url + '/pulls';
          if (match[2]) {
            u += '?state='+match[2];
          return {
            url: u,
            headers: request.headers,
            method: 'GET'

        match =^help$/);
        if (match) {
          return {
            message: {
              text: [
                '**GitHub commands**',
                  '  pr ls|list [open|closed|all]  List Pull Requests',

      process_outgoing_response({ request, response }) {
        var text = [];
        response.content.forEach(function(pr) {
          text.push('> '+pr.state+' [#'+pr.number+']('+pr.html_url+') - '+pr.title);

        return {
          content: {
            text: text.join('\n'),
            parseUrls: false
  • Save your integration

Customizing your integration scripts

The purpose of the integration script is to transform data in one format (the format provided by your incoming service, such as GitHub) into another format (the format expected by Rocket.Chat). Therefore, should you wish to customize either of the scripts presented above, you will need two resources:

{% hint style="info" %} Note that data comes into your script from GitHub as the request.content object. {% endhint %}