Learn and master design patterns in a simple way.
Design patterns are typical solutions to commonly occurring problems in software design. They are like pre-made blueprints that you can customize to solve a recurring design problem in your code.
设计模式是软件设计中常见问题的典型解决方案。 它们就像能根据需求进行调整的预制蓝图, 可用于解决代码中反复出现的设计问题。
- Creational Patterns(创造型模式)
- Factory Method(工厂方法模式)
- Abstract Factory(抽象工厂模式)
- Builder(生成器模式)
- Prototype(原型模式)
- Singleton(单例模式)
- Structural Patterns(结构型模式)
- Adapter(适配器模式)
- Bridge(桥接模式)
- Composite(组合模式)
- Decorator(装饰模式)
- Facade(外观模式)
- Flyweight(享元模式)
- Proxy(代理模式)
- Behavioral Patterns(行为模式)
- Chain of Responsibility(责任链模式)
- Command(命令模式)
- Iterator(迭代器模式)
- Mediator(中介者模式)
- Memento(备忘录模式)
- Observer(观察者模式)
- State(状态模式)
- Strategy(策略模式)
- Template Method(模版方法模式)
- Visitor(访问者模式)
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