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João Chung edited this page Apr 19, 2024 · 4 revisions

Technical Requirements

  • Node.js: v18.0.0 or higher

  • MongoDB Atlas Account (free)

  • npm: v6.0.0 or higher

  • pm2: Optional but recommended. (JS manager)


  1. Clone the repository: git clone

  2. Install all dependencies: npm install.

  3. Change the file .env.example to .env.

  4. Configure the necessary environment variables in .env.

  5. Start the application: npm start or check 6.

  6. If you are using pm2 as JS manager, you can use pm2 start index.js --name name_of_your_choice instead.

Some important commands to be ready to go with pm2: pm2 logs/list/start/stop/restart <name_of_your_choice>. Also you can simple install pm2 with the command: npm install pm2 -g.

Discord Setup

It's critical that you add Privileged Gateway Intents in To add to your server:

When you create a new bot in discord developers it comes with public bot per default, I advise you to disable that.

Mongo DB Atlas Setup

  1. StripeCord storage 3 types of information in MongoDB (Atlas or not).
  2. E-mail, Discord User ID, or hadActiveSubscription (boolean).
  3. You can create a free cluster with Database name you choose in DATABASE_NAME in .env
  4. You will also need to create a Collection from a name you choose in DATABASE_COLLECTION_NAME in .env
  5. It's needed a Mongo DB Connection URL you can create a profile for that URL from Database Access tab.
  6. It's also recommended to limit Network Access for certain IPs (your server machine) in Network Access tab.

Stripe Configuration

  1. Firstly you should get a Stripe API Key from "Developers" Tab.
  2. You can generate a Stripe Restricted Key with the needed permissions (e.g view only)
  3. You probably need to change Stripe API version (default one is from 2019), go to latest.

Enviroment (.env) Configuration

  1. As said, you need to change the default enviroment file to .env (default is .env.example)

SUBSCRIPTION_NAME: Your Subscription Name to use in some Messages of the Bot.

DISCORD_CLIENT_TOKEN: Your Discord Bot's token Check here where to get it.

DATABASE_URL: Your Mongo DB URL (something like this: mongodb+srv://user:[email protected]).

DABASE_NAME: Your database name.

DATABASE_COLLECTION_NAME: Your sub category database name, known as collection name.

CHECK_HOURS: Time in hours that the function check should be activated.

COMMAND_NAME_STATUS: Name of the administration verification command user status should be called. COMMAND_NAME_LINK: Name of the user link/email command should be called.

COMMAND_NAME_ADMIN_LINK: Name of the admin force link/email command should be called.

STRIPE_API_KEY: API Key from Stripe.

STRIPE_PAYMENT_LINK: Payment Link that users should use to get a subscription. STRIPE_PORTAL_LINK: Portal/User Dashboard Link that users should use to go to the configuration portal of the subscriptions.

PAYING_ROLE_ID: Role id that should be given to the user that has an active subscription.

GUILD_ID: Guild id that the bot should work.

CLIENT_ID: Discord bot id. (id of the bot itself)

LOGS_CHANNEL_ID: Channel Id in the guild id provided for the bot sends logs (sucessfull e-mail links and cancelled subscriptions).