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Rodhern edited this page Jul 14, 2018 · 1 revision

Looped export of stability derivatives

Dove example (continued)

In update 3 I have added a button that will do a mass export of stability derivatives, the "Run Export Loop" button. To show off the button I modify the Dove and create another Dove variant, the "Dove-L3".

Run the loop export

The output file, "sdexport.txt", still have the six export results I did the last time (see Octave Example). So once I click the "Run Export Loop" button the new results will be appended to the six existing ones.


In this case 44 results are exported.

Calculate fuel efficiency

With inspiration from last time when we calculated fuel efficiency, let us do something similar again.

Octave, fcloop

And now, let us list some of the best (most efficient) candidate results.

Octave, cand

Configure the export loop

The altitudes and mach numbers that the loop iterates through are stored in the file "sdexpcfg.txt" that is located in the "./GameData/FerramAerospaceResearch/Plugins/PluginData/FerramAerospaceResearch/" folder. It is possible to manipulate the list from Octave. Say for instance I no longer want any of the scenarios above 20 km calculated. The reconfiguration might look like this.

Octave, loopcfg

You will probably put in the full path of the file; the file path in the image was shortened to clarify the idea.

If the configuration file ever becomes messed up just overwrite it with a fresh one from Github.