Hi, This is just a simple python wrapper for Auto Link Bypasser chrome extension by Yu Yumari.
At the time of writing this, here are thesupported domains
Update 1:
- Yuumari removed ouo.io and other similar domains for free users. Read more here
- You can find the new list of supported domains here
- Python 3
- Request
- Shortened Urls :)
from bypassadshorteners import recursive_bypass_url, bypass_url
def main():
//Adf.ly shortened url
url = "http://fumacrom.com/1u0t"
print(f'{"*" * 5} Started Bypassing {"*" * 5}')
extended_url = bypass_url(url)
print(f'{"*" * 5} Bypass completed {"*" * 5}')
print(f'{"*" * 5} Started Bypassing Recursively {"*" * 5}')
extended_url = recursive_bypass_url(url)
print(f'{"*" * 5} Recursive Bypass completed {"*" * 5}')
if __name__ == '__main__':
Yuumari for his chrome extension. He also has an api which is paid and tbh I don't have enough to pay.
For educational use only.