This is a maven project, you can import it in your favorite ide. You must install the database before run the project.
Create volume:
docker volume create crm-service-db-data
Create postgre database using the volume created before:
docker run -d -p 33070:5432 --name crm-service-db -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=password --mount src=crm-service-db-data,dst=/var/lib/postgres postgres
After that you have to make the database inserts, with the roles and admin user for login. I let an insert.sql document for it.
You'll need put your credentials in the folder resources with file name "aws-credentials.json"
"endpointUrl": "",
"accessKey": "",
"secretKey": "",
"bucketName": ""
After you test the project, you can make a deployment using docker-compose. First you must generate a jar file. You can use this command for generated it:
mvn clean install -DskipTests
Now you can use docker-compose to run the project:
docker-compose up
After that you have to make the database inserts, with the roles and admin user for login. I let an insert.sql document for it.