Abstract: The TollEase project is a computerized toll management system designed to streamline toll collection processes at toll plazas. The system utilizes a database to store vehicle, toll rate, and transaction information. Key features include real-time and historical reporting, providing insights into toll transactions, revenue generation, and peak traffic hours. The system is web-based, employing MySQL and phpMyAdmin for data storage and management, facilitating efficient toll plaza operations and enhanced user experience.
- HTML, CSS, and JavaScript used for user interface design.
- User-friendly pages for toll billing and traffic data visualization.
- MySQL database stores transaction, vehicle type, and entry/exit point information.
- PHP scripts fetch and manipulate data for various functionalities.
- phpMyAdmin used for database management on local server (XAMPP).
Graphical Representation:
- Real-time and historical traffic data presented through line charts.
- Three visualization options: hourly, one-day, and one-month traffic patterns.
Future Enhancements:
- Implementation of data backup and recovery mechanisms.
- Transition to an online database for improved accessibility.
- Integration of machine learning for traffic prediction.
- Introduction of printable billing after transactions.
This project enhances toll collection efficiency, provides valuable insights for highway management, and creates a user-friendly experience for both toll plaza operators and users. The utilization of web technologies, database management, and data visualization tools demonstrates proficiency in software development and problem-solving.