Product and Basket App, visit:
It was created using create-react-app (CRA). Normal CRA steps to build and eject, small change: used yarn instead of npm. Illustrates React, Redux with most common design patterns: props, state, redux reducers/stores/selectors/middleware and bootstrap-react RWD.
- Feature tested in Chrome 56 adn Edge 38.
- Final step in Checkout modal dialog is a print screen, which represents the printable receipt.
- Basket is cleared and reset once you checkout and see print screen.
- Left the sourcemap file in the deployment folder so it can help code review. Proper production we'd remove .map file from build folder.
Download and install node:
- npm install yarn -g (install yarn - Used yarn because it's faster to download dependencies than npm. yarn downloads packages about 3 minutes or longer)
- yarn run install (download NPM dependencies)
- yarn run start (run react-dev-server and starts browser on port 3000)
- yarn run test (run unit tests)
- Add inventory reducers to inc/dec stock levels as products are added/removed from basket
- Improve and refactor Enzyme tests, add tests to increase code coverage
- Add react-routing to improve SEO and allow for larger number of products
- Add form entry for checkout, with authentication system for hydrate/dehydrate basket state after login
- Node/Express/MongoDB to scale features to server side