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Scaling Retrieval-Based Langauge Models with a Trillion-Token Datastore

Code and data for paper "Scaling Retrieval-Based Langauge Models with a Trillion-Token Datastore".


Datastores: 🤗 MassiveDS-1.4T | 🤗 MassiveDS-140B

Scaling overview.

If you find our code, data, models, or the paper useful, please cite the paper:

  title={Scaling Retrieval-Based Language Models with a Trillion-Token Datastore},
  author={Shao, Rulin and He, Jacqueline and Asai, Akari and Shi, Weijia and Dettmers, Tim and Min, Sewon and Zettlemoyer, Luke and Koh, Pang Wei},
  journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2407.12854},


This codebase contains:

  1. Easy development and evaluation for retrieval-based language models (LMs)---run all experiments with one YAML file (Quick Start).
  2. Our efficient MassiveDS pipeline for affordable datastore scaling study with retrieval-based LMs (Advanced Usage).
  3. A comprehensive evaluation suite for retrieval-based LMs (Evaluation| RAG-Evaluation-Harnesses).


Install dependent Python libraries by running the command below.

# clone the repo
git clone
cd retrieval-scaling

# create a new conda environment and install dependencies
conda env create -f environment.yml
conda activate scaling

Note: to accelerate the inference, we recommend users to install flash attention based on their accelerator type following the instructions here.

To create a CPU-only environment:

conda env create -f environment_cpu.yml
conda activate scaling_cpu

Quick Start

For a quick start, we provide a script that constructs a datastore using data in FineWeb-Edu-1MT and evaluates it with LM Pythia-1B.

Download example data

To start, downloaded the example data and save it in raw_data/.

mkdir -p raw_data
wget -O raw_data/fineweb-edu-1m.jsonl

Construct a Datastore

Below command constructs a datastore using Contriever-MSMACRO as the retriever. You can set the retriever to others that are supported in HuggingFace or SentenceTransformers through model.datastore_encoder. We also support sparse retriever BM25, to use which, pass model.sparse_retriever=bm25.

PYTHONPATH=.  python ric/ --config-name example_config

Evaluate Perplexity

Next, we provide an example script to evaluate the perplexity on C4 data. You can use your own eval data by setting to the path to your own JSONL file.

PYTHONPATH=.  python ric/ --config-name example_config \
  tasks.eval.task_name=perplexity \ \

The evaluation result will be printed in terminal and saved in scaling_out/test_c4_ppl.log.

Evaluate Downstream Task

We adapted lm-evaluation-harnesses to support RAG evaluation, which we developped in RAG-evaluation-harnesses. We refer to Downstream Evaluation for more details. Below is an example to run evaluation on Natural Questions.

First, install our RAG evaluation package.

pip install -e rag-evaluation-harness

Then, run search over the task quries.

lm_eval --tasks "nq_open" --inputs_save_dir "examples" --save_inputs_only

PYTHONPATH=.  python ric/ --config-name example_config \
  tasks.eval.task_name=lm-eval \ \
  evaluation.domain=nq_open \

Finally, evaluate with an LM.

RETRIEVED_FILE=scaling_out/retrieved_results/facebook/contriever-msmarco/fineweb_edu_1m_datastore-256_chunk_size-1of1_shards/top_3/0/nq_open_retrieved_results.jsonl  # where retrieved documents are saved
lm_eval --model hf \
  --model_args pretrained="EleutherAI/pythia-1b" \
  --tasks nq_open \
  --batch_size auto \
  --inputs_save_dir examples \
  --retrieval_file $RETRIEVED_FILE \
  --concat_k 3 \
  --num_fewshot 5 \
  --results_only_save_path scaling_out/nq_open-5shots.jsonl

The evaluation results will be printed in a table and saved in scaling_out/nq_open-5shots.jsonl.

Datastore Release

We release the data, embedding, and index of our MassiveDS datastore, along with its 10% subsampled version for smaller-scale experiments, on HuggingFace:

Advanced Usage

We provide more details of advanced usage of our database below.


  1. Model Configuration
  2. Datastore Configuration
  3. Distributed Datastore Construction
  4. Distributed Document Retrieval
  5. Data Filtering
  6. Subsampling
  7. Evaluation

Model Configuration

Retrieval-based LMs involve two models: the reader LM and the retriever. In the below sections, we illustrate ways to configure the models.


The default configuration uses Contriever-MSMACRO as the retriever. Additionally, we support off-the-shelf retriever models implemented in HuggingFace or SentenceTransformers. To change the dense retriever, we require the user to define the 4 arguments below properly, as some models may use different encoders for query and context:

  datastore_tokenizer: ???
  query_tokenizer: ???
  query_encoder: ???
  datastore_encoder: ???

HuggingFace Dense Retrievers

You can use HuggingFace retrievers by passing its huggingface model name to the corresponding arguments. re_encoder: ???

For example, to use [DRAGON-RoBERTa]( as the retriever, set
  datastore_tokenizer: facebook/dragon-roberta-query-encoder
  query_tokenizer: facebook/dragon-roberta-query-encoder
  query_encoder: facebook/dragon-roberta-query-encoder
  datastore_encoder: facebook/dragon-roberta-context-encoder

SentenceTransformers Dense Retrievers

Similarly, if you want to use a dense retriever implemented in sentence-transformers, you can pass its model name to the arguments in the same way, where the script will automatically identify which package to use.

For example, to use GTR-T5-Base as the retriever, set:

  datastore_tokenizer: sentence-transformers/gtr-t5-base
  query_tokenizer: sentence-transformers/gtr-t5-base
  query_encoder: sentence-transformers/gtr-t5-base
  datastore_encoder: sentence-transformers/gtr-t5-base

Sparse Retriever

We also support BM25 as a sparse retriever. To use BM25, set

  sparse_retriever: bm25

Note: once model.sparse_retriever is set to bm25, the arguments for dense retrievers will be ignored.

Reader LM

We support all HuggingFace decoder models as the reader LM. You can set the reader LM by passing the model name or path to model.lm_model:

  lm_model: EleutherAI/pythia-1b

Note: the reader LM for RAG-Evaluation-Harnesses is passed to the lm-eval command separately. The LM defined here is only for perplexity evaluation.

Datastore Configuration

General Configuration

There are 3 arguments for datastore general configuration:

  domain: fineweb_edu_1m
  raw_data_path: raw_data/fineweb-edu-1m.jsonl
  chunk_size: 256
  • domain is a string used for naming the paths to save the datastore;
  • raw_data_path provides the raw data that will be used to construct the datastore, which could be a single JSONL file or a directory of JSONL files;
  • chunk_size is used to split raw text into passages, where every passage will have no more than chunk_size natural words.

Embedding Configuration

We introduce several key arguments for embedding below. The others are either straightforward by its name or do not need to be changed in general usage.

    shard_ids: [0]
    num_shards: 1
    keep_last_chunk: true
    passages_dir: scaling_out/passages/${datastore.domain}/${datastore.embedding.num_shards}-shards

    per_gpu_batch_size: 512

    prefix: "passages"
    embedding_dir: scaling_out/embeddings/${model.datastore_encoder}/${datastore.domain}/${datastore.embedding.num_shards}-shards
    use_saved_if_exists: true
  • num_shards defines the number of shards that the raw data will be divided into for distributed datastore construction.
  • shard_ids speficies the IDs of shards that the current worker is building or using. For example, [0] means only the first shard will be embeded or used, and [0,1,2] means the 0-2 shards will be embeded or used by the current worker.
  • keep_last_chunk: if set to true, the chunked documents that have less than datastore.chunk_size will be included in the datastore; these documents will be discarded if keep_last_chunk is set to false.
  • per_gpu_batch_size is the batch size per GPU used when running embedding.
  • prefix is a prefix naming string used to name the outputs.
  • embedding_dir is the directory to save the embeddings.
  • use_saved_if_exists: if set to true, the embedding task will be skipped if the embedding exists; it will rerun the embedding and overwrite the exisitng ones if use_saved_if_exists is set to false.

Index Configuration

    index_shard_ids: [[0]]
    indexing_batch_size: 1000000
    projection_size: 768
    overwrite: false
  • index_shard_ids: IDs of passages included in each index. For example, [0, 1, 2] means build a single index over passages 0-2; [[0], [1,2]] means build an index for passage 0 and another index for passages 1-2. This argument is very useful when you want to index or search over different shards in parallel.
  • indexing_batch_size defines the batch size used for indexing.
  • projection_size tells the index the size of embedding.
  • overwrite: if set to false, it will save the index and reuse the index if it exists; if set to true, the index will be reconstructed and overwrite the old index.

Note: we currently only support flat index. Please stay tuned for more index types.

Distributed Datastore Construction

For datastores with over 1B tokens, we recommend using our distributed datastore construction pipeline, which could linearly accelerate your datastore construction.

Below is an example slurm job script that parallelize the datastore construction using 16 GPUs.

#SBATCH --gres=gpu:1
#SBATCH --constraint a40|l40
#SBATCH --mem 100G
#SBATCH --time=1-00:00:00
#SBATCH --array=0-15

PYTHONPATH=.  python ric/ --config-name example_config \
  tasks.datastore.embedding=true \
  tasks.datastore.index=true \
  datastore.embedding.num_shards=16 \
  datastore.embedding.shard_ids=[$SLURM_ARRAY_TASK_ID] \

The above script splits the raw data into 16 shards and builds embeddings and indices for these shards in parallel.

Distributed Document Retrieval

Since the datastore is sharded, we can run document retrieval in parallel as well. For example, the below slurm script searches the top-K documents from each shard in parallel.

#SBATCH --gres=gpu:1
#SBATCH --constraint a40|l40
#SBATCH --mem 100G
#SBATCH --time=1-00:00:00
#SBATCH --array=0-15

PYTHONPATH=.  python ric/ --config-name example_config \
  tasks.eval.task_name=perplexity \ \
  datastore.embedding.num_shards=16 \

When the 16 jobs finish, the top-K documents from each shard are saved separately. Next, we can merge the retrieved documents quickly on a single node:

for (( i=1; i<=$((16 - 1)); i++ )); do

PYTHONPATH=.  python ric/ --config-name example_config \
  tasks.eval.task_name=perplexity \ \
  datastore.embedding.num_shards=16 \

Data Filtering

We provide functions to run post-hoc data filtering on the retrieved documents to either improve the retrieval quality or remove contamination data.


We support two decontamination methods: the longest string overlap based decontamination and the Jaccard similarity based decontamination.

Longest String Overlap Based Decontamination

The longest string overlap based decontamination method removes a document from the retrieved top-K if it has a continuous overlapped string that exceeds n words with the gold answer. You can set it through

  decontamination: true
  contamination_threshold: 32
  decontamination_method: longest

where n = 32 in the above case.

Jaccard Similarity Based Decontamination

Jaccard similarity based decontamination removes a document from the retrieved top-K if it has a 13-gram Jaccard similarity score that is higher than t (0 < t < 1) with the gold answer. You can set it through

  decontamination: true
  contamination_threshold: 0.8
  decontamination_method: jaccard

where p = 0.8 in the above case.


We provide a post-hoc deduplication method to remove the duplicates in the top-K retrieved documents before taking the top-k (k << K) for evaluation. We use MinHash for deduplication, which marks documents as deplicates if they have a 13-gram Jaccard similarity score over 0.8. For the set of documents that are marked duplicates, we keep the one with the highest retrieval score. You can enable it by setting


We also support running post-hoc subsampling on the retrieved top-K documents, which helps us simulate the sitatuions where the raw data is subsampled to a smaller size with a given random seed. See Appendix A in our paper for more details.

To run subsampling on the retrieved top-K documents, turn on Then set the subsampling probability through and the random seed through after running document retrieval.


In this section, we provide more details of the evaluation. Here are some general evaluation configurations:

  domain: test_c4
  concate_k: 3

where evaluation.domain is the name of the evaluation task and concate_k is the number of documents that will be prepended in context.

Perplexity Evaluation

Perplexity evaluation for retrieval-based LMs is different from perplexity evaluation for LMs. Specifically, given an input, the first part, i.e., the first half in our implementation, is used as the query to retrieve relevant documents, which thus cannot be used for perplexity computation. Therefore, only the second part, i.e., the second half, of the input is used to calculate perplexity. The retrieved top-k documents will be prepended in context before the query in a reversed order, i.e., the document with the highest retrieval score is the cloest to the query. The concatenated context is then fed into the LM and we compute the perplexity using the second half of the input as the target.

Below is an example configuration that first concatenates all tokens in eval_data in one sentence using sequence packaging and then chunks the sentence into smaller chunks of max_eval_data_seq_length tokens with a stride of eval_stride. For each 1024-token chunk, the first 512 tokens are used as query, and the last 512 tokens are used for perplexity calculation.

    eval_data: examples/test_c4.jsonl
    max_eval_data_seq_length: 1024
    eval_stride: 512
    merge: True
    num_eval_samples: null 

Downstream Evaluation

We developped a package for retrieval-augmented-generation (RAG) evaluation---RAG-Evaluation-Harness. The package supports over 60 standard academic benchmarks and can be easily used with retrieval augmentation as shown in the Quick Start. We refer the user to the README of RAG-Evaluation-Harness for more details, such as accelerating the inference with VLLMs, getting a list of supported tasks, and adding new tasks.


Official repository for "Scaling Retrieval-Based Langauge Models with a Trillion-Token Datastore".







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