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💣 Crash
:bomb: Crash
An API or example caused an host to crash
📖 Documentation
:book: Documentation
An effort to improve the documentation
💥 Unsound API
:boom: Unsound API
A bug that allows to trigger Undefined Behavior in safe Rust
💔 Breaking change
:broken_heart: Breaking change
Changes to the code that will lead to break one or more APIs
🦀 Blocked on Rust feature
:crab: Blocked on Rust feature
Implementing this requires Rust features that aren't stabilized yet
This issue or pull request already exists
🎁 New LV2 Spec
:gift: New LV2 Spec
Implements a new LV2 Specification
This doesn't seem right
🐞 Bug
:lady_beetle: Bug
Something isn't working
🗨️ Discussion
:left_speech_bubble: Discussion
An exchange of opinions about a topic
Further information is requested
✨ Feature
:sparkles: Feature
New feature or request
🌟 Ergonomics
:star2: Ergonomics
Little things that matter! Does not add functionality, but makes an API easier to use
👋 Good First Issue
:wave: Good First Issue
An easy issue to fix for new contributors
👋 Help wanted
:wave: Help wanted
Extra attention is needed
This will not be worked on