The final trained model was trained using the following parameters:
Model Hyperparameters
Model Hidden Dimension: 512
Num Layers: 4
Num Attention Heads: 8
Dropout: 0.2
Learning Rate: 0.0001 (1e-4)
Final Learning Rate: 6.3e-5
Num Epochs: 10
Batch Size: 4
- criterion: nn.CrossEntropyLoss
- optimizer: nn.SGD
- scheduler: StepLR(optim, step_size=1, gamma=0.95)
- src_mask: None
- tgt_mask: Used
- torch.manual_seed = 42
Training Data
- train.tsv
- TEXT and LABEL vocab
- NO_REF_TOKEN: '<nr>'
This model achieved the following losses:
Validation Losses
- Epoch 1: 416.91417050361633
- Epoch 2: 323.9406987428665
- Epoch 3: 225.71645319461823
- Epoch 4: 144.5937288403511
- Epoch 5: 91.24655830860138
- Epoch 6: 61.019713655114174
- Epoch 7: 44.32578928396106
- Epoch 8: 34.620120372623205
- Epoch 9: 28.595584958791733
- Epoch 10: 24.60211064480245
The above model was trained in Google Colab using the entirety of the training data (~30,000 documents) and validation data (500 documents) on a Tesla P100 GPU over 5 hours.