Order cancellation and Measurement unit prices
Order cancellation
A customer can now cancel an order before the order is shipped if it has been placed using a registered customer account. Anonymous orders cannot be cancelled in the storefront. The cancel order button is available in the Order details screen:
After the order cancellation is confirmed, the order status becomes 'Cancelled' and no future changes to this order can be made:
Measurement unit prices on cart, checkout page, order confirmation, and order details pages
When products with units of measurement are purchased, the item price displayed in the cart, checkout, order details, and order confirmation pages contain the unit of measurement information.
Email address stored in customer profile for social login
If a customer logs in to the Storefront using a social account, the email address linked to this social account is automatically saved in the customer profile. The email address then prepopulates the email field in the checkout page when the customer places an order.