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Fix colour composite
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gr4n0t4 committed Oct 10, 2022
1 parent bd3f109 commit 537e0b0
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Showing 2 changed files with 61 additions and 45 deletions.
103 changes: 59 additions & 44 deletions ERS_NRB/
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Expand Up @@ -141,80 +141,95 @@ def vrt_relpath(vrt):
tree.write(vrt, pretty_print=True, xml_declaration=False, encoding='utf-8')

def create_rgb_vrt(outname, infiles, overviews, overview_resampling):
Creates the RGB VRT file.
Creation of the color composite VRT file.
outname: str
Full path to the output RGB VRT file.
Full path to the output VRT file.
infiles: list[str]
A list of paths.
A list of paths pointing to the linear scaled measurement backscatter files.
overviews: list[int]
Internal overview levels to be defined for the created VRT file.
overview_resampling: str
Resampling method for overview levels.
Resampling method applied to overview pyramids.
# make sure order is right and co-polarization (VV or HH) is first
pols = ['[hv]{2}', os.path.basename(f)).group() for f in infiles]
if pols[1] in ['vv', 'hh']:

# format overview levels
ov = str(overviews)
for x in ['[', ']', ',']:
ov = ov.replace(x, '')

# make sure order is right and VV polarization is first
paths_reorder = []
for i, f in enumerate(infiles):
pol ='[hv]{2}', os.path.basename(f)).group()
if i == 1 and pol == 'vv':
infiles = paths_reorder

# create VRT and change its content
gdalbuildvrt(src=infiles, dst=outname, options={'separate': True})
# create VRT file and change its content
gdalbuildvrt(src=infiles, dst=outname,
options={'separate': True})

tree = etree.parse(outname)
root = tree.getroot()
srs = tree.find('SRS').text
geotrans = tree.find('GeoTransform').text
bands = tree.findall('VRTRasterBand')
vrt_nodata = bands[0].find('NoDataValue').text
complex_src = [band.find('ComplexSource') for band in bands]
for cs in complex_src:

new_band = etree.SubElement(root, 'VRTRasterBand',
attrib={'dataType': 'Float32', 'band': str(len(bands)), 'subClass': 'VRTDerivedRasterBand'})
vrt_nodata = etree.SubElement(new_band, 'NoDataValue')
vrt_nodata.text = 'nan'
for i, band in enumerate(bands, start=1):
new_band.insert(i, deepcopy(band.find('ComplexSource')))
# pxfun_type = etree.SubElement(new_band, 'PixelFunctionType')
# pxfun_type.text = 'diff'
pxfun_language = etree.SubElement(new_band, 'PixelFunctionLanguage')
pxfun_language.text = 'Python'
attrib={'dataType': 'Float32', 'band': '3',
'subClass': 'VRTDerivedRasterBand'})
new_band_na = etree.SubElement(new_band, 'NoDataValue')
new_band_na.text = 'nan'
pxfun_type = etree.SubElement(new_band, 'PixelFunctionType')
pxfun_type.text = 'div'
pxfun_code = etree.SubElement(new_band, 'PixelFunctionCode')
pxfun_code.text = etree.CDATA("""
import numpy as np
def div(in_ar, out_ar, xoff, yoff, xsize, ysize, raster_xsize, raster_ysize, buf_radius, gt, **kwargs):
np.divide(in_ar[0], in_ar[1], out=out_ar, where=in_ar[1]!=0, dtype='float32')
pxfun_type.text = 'mul'
for cs in complex_src:

src = new_band.findall('ComplexSource')[1]
fname = src.find('SourceFilename')
fname_old = fname.text
src_attr = src.find('SourceProperties').attrib
fname.text = etree.CDATA("""
<VRTDataset rasterXSize="{rasterxsize}" rasterYSize="{rasterysize}">
<SRS dataAxisToSRSAxisMapping="1,2">{srs}</SRS>
<VRTRasterBand dataType="{dtype}" band="1" subClass="VRTDerivedRasterBand">
<SourceFilename relativeToVRT="1">{fname}</SourceFilename>
<SourceProperties RasterXSize="{rasterxsize}" RasterYSize="{rasterysize}" DataType="{dtype}" BlockXSize="{blockxsize}" BlockYSize="{blockysize}"/>
<SrcRect xOff="0" yOff="0" xSize="{rasterxsize}" ySize="{rasterysize}"/>
<DstRect xOff="0" yOff="0" xSize="{rasterxsize}" ySize="{rasterysize}"/>
<OverviewList resampling="{ov_resampling}">{ov}</OverviewList>
""".format(rasterxsize=src_attr['RasterXSize'], rasterysize=src_attr['RasterYSize'], srs=srs, geotrans=geotrans,
dtype=src_attr['DataType'], px_fun='inv', fname=fname_old, vrt_nodata=vrt_nodata,
blockxsize=src_attr['BlockXSize'], blockysize=src_attr['BlockYSize'],
ov_resampling=overview_resampling.lower(), ov=ov))

bands = tree.findall('VRTRasterBand')
for band, col in zip(bands, ['Red', 'Green', 'Blue']):
color = etree.Element('ColorInterp')
color.text = col
band.insert(1, color)
if band.attrib['band'] in ['1', '2']:
ndv = band.find('NoDataValue')
band.insert(0, color)

ovr = etree.SubElement(root, 'OverviewList', attrib={'resampling': overview_resampling.lower()})
ov = str(overviews)
for x in ['[', ']', ',']:
ov = ov.replace(x, '')
ovr.text = ov

tree.write(outname, pretty_print=True, xml_declaration=False, encoding='utf-8')

def generate_unique_id(encoded_str):
Returns a unique product identifier as a hexa-decimal string generated from the time of execution in isoformat.
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3 changes: 2 additions & 1 deletion docs/about/changelog.rst
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,12 +1,13 @@

0.1.4 | 2022-10-07
0.1.4 | 2022-10-10
* Add compression as a config parameter
* Compatibe with WSM
* Use source range looks and azimuth looks
* Write polarization code in final product
* Fix colour composite
`Full Changelog <>`_

0.1.3 | 2022-09-22
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