Welcome to your new Dagster repository.
- Install poetry
- Create a new Python environment and activate.
pyenv install $PYTHON_VERSION
pyenv virtualenv $PYTHON_VERSION workflows
pyenv activate workflows
- Once you have activated your Python environment, install your repository as a Python package.
poetry install
- Set the
environment variable. Dagster will store run history in this directory.
mkdir ~/dagster_home
export DAGSTER_HOME=~/dagster_home
- Start the Dagit process. This will start a Dagit web server that, by default, is served on http://localhost:3000.
poetry run dagit
- (Optional) If you want to enable Dagster Schedules or Sensors for your pipelines, start the Dagster Daemon process in a different shell or terminal:
poetry run dagster-daemon run
Tests can be found in workflows_tests
and are run with the following command:
poetry run pytest workflows_tests
As you create Dagster solids and pipelines, add tests in workflows_tests/
to check that your
code behaves as desired and does not break over time.
[For hints on how to write tests for solids and pipelines in Dagster, see our documentation tutorial on Testing.